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Black & Hispanic Student Resources

Black and Hispanic students face unique challenges in discovering a workplace where they truly feel they belong. These obstacles can significantly influence their experiences and the opportunities that come their way, shaping their professional journeys in impactful ways.

Support on Campus


The Wilbur N. Daniel African American Cultural Center was established by Austin Peay State University in 1991 and is named in honor of APSU’s first African American male graduate. The center provides a nurturing environment where all students, staff, faculty, and community members, regardless of race or ethnicity, can gain an appreciation for African American heritage and experience.


The Latino Community Resource Center creates an inclusive environment for the entire APSU community, fostering meaningful dialogue and cultural understanding of Latino communities. We retain and empower Latino students to succeed, giving them a sense of belonging until graduation and beyond.

Resources Beyond Campus

While it may be challenging to determine how truly supportive any organization is and if its commitment to recruiting matches its commitment to retention, proactively exploring some of the following key indicators can give you a sense of their values.