Supported Courses
Updated 2/27/2025
Supported courses vary by semester depending on the courses that our peer tutors have taken.
- ART-1035 Introduction to Art
- ART-1340 Foundations Studio 1
- ART-1350 Foundations Studio 2
- ART-1360 Foundations Studio 3
- ART-2020 Art History Survey II
- ASTR-1010 Planetary Astronomy
- ASTR-1011 Planetary Astronomy Lab
- BIOL-1010 Introduction to Biology
- BIOL-1011 Introduction to Biology Lab
- BIOL-1040 Human Biology
- BIOL-1041 Human Biology Lab
- BIOL-1110 General Biology I
- BIOL-1111 General Biology I Lab
- BIOL-1120 General Biology II
- BIOL-1121 General Biology II Lab
- BIOL-2010 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
- BIOL-2011 Human Anatomy and Phys I Lab
- BIOL-2020 Humn Anatomy and Physiology II
- BIOL-2021 Human Anatomy and Phys II Lab
- BIOL-2300 Principles of Microbiology
- BIOL-3000 Biological Methods
- BIOL-3001 Biological Methods Lab
- BIOL-3050 General Microbiology
- BIOL-3051 General Microbiology Lab
- BIOL-3130 Genetics
- BIOL-3131 Genetics Lab
- BIOL-3330 Principles of Evolution
- BIOL-3331 Principles of Evolution Lab
- BIOL-4160 Human Physiology
- BIOL-4161 Human Physiology Lab
- CHEM-1010 Introductory Chemistry I
- CHEM-1011 Introductory Chemistry I Lab
- CHEM-1020 Introductory Chemistry II
- CHEM-1050 Chemistry for Everyone
- CHEM-1110 General Chemistry I
- CHEM-1111 General Chemistry I Lab
- CHEM-1120 General Chemistry II
- CHEM-1121 General Chemistry II Lab
- CHEM-3510 Organic Chemistry I
- CHEM-3511 Organic Chemistry I Lab
- CHEM-3520 Organic Chemistry II
- CHEM-3521 Organic Chemistry II Lab
- CLAS-2110 Medical and Scientific Terms
- COMM-1110 Media and Social Institutions
- COMM-1400 Intro to Public Relations
- COMM-2000 Media Writing
- COMM-2045 Public Speaking
- COMM-2090 Interpersonal Communication
- COMM-3090 International Communication
- COMM-3210 Sports and Media
- COMM-3320 Business and Prof Comm
- COMM-4010 Communication Theory
- COMM-4050 Values, Ethics and Diversity
- CSCI-1010 Introduction to Programming I
- CSCI-1011 Introduction to Programming I
- CSCI-2010 Introduction to Programming II
- CSCI-2011 Introduction to Programming II
- CSCI-2600 Computer Ethics
- CSCI-2700 Data Communications and Netwrk
- CSCI-3250 Data Structure and Algorithms
- DANC-1200 Introduction to Dance
- EC-2200 Intro to Early Childhood Educ
- EC-3010 Early Literacy Development
- ECON-2100 Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECON-2200 Principles of Microeconomics
- EDUC-2100 Foundations of Education
- EDUC-3000 Educational Psychology
- EDUC-3001 Educational Psyc-Secondary Edu
- EDUC-3040 Instructional Technology
- EDUC-3070 Instructional Strategies
- EDUC-4160 Teaching Diverse Students
- EDUC-4270 Classroom Eval and Assessment
- EDUC-4300 Essentls Teachng ELL Students
- ENGL-1005 Critical Reading and Writing
- ENGL-1010 English Composition I
- ENGL-1020 English Composition II
- ENGL-2330 Topics in World Literature
- ENGR-2110 Statics
- ENGR-3020 Engineering Thermodynamics
- FIN-1000 Personal Finance
- FIN-3010 Principles of Finance
- FREN-1010 Introductory French I
- FREN-1020 Introductory French II
- GEOG-1035 World Geography
- GEOG-1045 World Regional Geography
- GEOL-1040 Physical Geology
- GEOL-1041 Physical Geology Lab
- GEOL-1050 Historical Geology
- GEOL-1051 Historical Geology Lab
- GERM-1010 Introductory German I
- HHP-1250 Wellness Concepts and Practice
- HHP-2070 Principles of Strength and Con
- HHP-3030 Nutrition Science and Applic
- HHP-3070 Adv Strength and Conditioning
- HHP-4040 Sport Psychology
- HHP-4070 Human Health and Disease
- HHP-4300 Intro to Stress Management
- HIST-2010 Early United States History
- HIST-2020 Modern United States History
- HIST-2030 Tennessee History
- HIST-2310 Early World History
- HIST-2320 Modern World History
- HIST-3000 Historical Methods
- HON-1000 University Success
- HON-1045 Fndatns of Intrdcplnry Thinkng
- HON-2220 Cultural Conversations
- HON-300A Interdisciplinary Studies II
- LATN-1020 Introductory Latin II
- LATN-2020 Intermediate Latin II
- LATN-3999 Readings in Latin Authors
- LDSP-2100 Foundations of Leadership Sci
- LDSP-3050 Cultural Diversity
- LDSP-3100 Organizational Dynamics
- MATH-1000 Conceptual and Quant Math
- MATH-1010 Math for Society
- MATH-1410 Structure of Math Systems I
- MATH-1420 Structure of Math Systems II
- MATH-1530 Elements of Statistics
- MATH-1710 Precalculus Algebra
- MATH-1730 Precalculus
- MATH-1810 Elements of Calculus
- MATH-1910 Calculus I
- MATH-1920 Calculus II
- MATH-2110 Calculus III
- MATH-3010 Intro to Math Reasoning
- MATH-3450 Linear Algebra
- MATH-4240 Introduction to Probability
- MATH-4321 Intro to Data Analysis and Pro
- MATH-4810 Senior Seminar
- MGT-2010 Prin of Mgt and Orgnztnl Behav
- MKT-2010 Principles of Marketing
- MUS-1030 Introduction to Music
- MUS-1155 Music Theory II
- MUS-1500 University Choir
- NURS-2010 Intro to Professional Nursing
- NURS-2020 Nursing Assessment
- NURS-2021 Nursing Assessment Clinical
- NURS-2030 Fundamentals of Nursing
- NURS-2031 Fundamentals of Nursing Cln
- NURS-2040 Introduction to Pharmacology
- NURS-3020 Psychopharmacology
- NURS-3060 Psy Mental Health Nursing
- NURS-3061 Psy Mental Health Nurs Clinic
- NURS-3070 Adult Health I Nursing
- NURS-3071 Adult Health I Nursing CLinic
- NURS-3080 Lifespan Pharmacology
- NURS-3210 Intro to Nursing Research
- NURS-4050 Community and Public Hlth Nurs
- NURS-4051 Community and Public Hlth Cln
- NURS-4060 Adult Health II Nursing
- NURS-4061 Adult Health II Nursing Clinic
- NURS-4080 Trends and Issues of Pro Nurse
- PELP-1020 Argument and Persuasion
- PELP-2020 Leadership Communication Skill
- PHIL-1030 Intro to Philosophy
- PHIL-1040 Intro to Ethics
- PHYS-1010 Concepts Motion Heat and Sound
- PHYS-1011 Conc Lab Motion Heat and Sound
- PHYS-2010 College Physics I
- PHYS-2011 College Physics I Lab
- PHYS-2110 University Physics I
- PHYS-2111 University Physics Lab
- PM-2000 Intro to Emergency Management
- POLS-2000 Introduction to Politics
- POLS-2010 American National Government
- POLS-2040 Intro to Public Policy
- POLS-2070 International Politics
- POLS-3000 Foundation of Political Theory
- POLS-3010 Comparative Politics
- POLS-3060 Terrorism and Counter Terror
- PSYC-1030 Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC-2010 Statistics Behavioral Sciences
- PSYC-3020 Physiological Psychology
- PSYC-3100 Developmental Psychology
- PSYC-3180 Research Methods
- PSYC-3330 Social Psychology
- PSYC-4350 Psychology of Personality
- PSYC-4370 Intro Clinical-Counseling Psy
- RDG-4010 Teach the Language Arts K-6
- RDG-4020 Teach Reading-Primary Grades
- RDG-4050 Literature for Children
- RLTN-4050 Medical Terminology
- SOC-1010 Introduction to Sociology
- SOC-2900 Marriage and the Family
- SOC-3080 Gender and Sexualities
- SPAN-1010 Introductory Spanish I
- SPAN-1020 Introductory Spanish II
- SPAN-2020 Intermediate Spanish II
- SPED-2300 Introduction to Special Ed
- SPED-4340 Effective Inclusion Strategies
- SPED-4341 Inclusion for Secondary Ed
- STAT-3250 Statistical Methods
- STAT-4120 Intro to Regression Analysis
- STAT-4250 Intro to Math Statistics
- STAT-4290 Intro to Predictive Analytics
- THEA-1030 Introduction to Theatre
- UNIV-1000 University Success
- UNIV-1010 University Success and Foundat