CSIT Student-led Tutoring
Open for Spring 2025
:: In-Person (Maynard 133) OR Virtual (Microsoft Teams)
APSU Center for Academic Support & Enrichment may also provide peer tutoring services this semester, and may cover some computer science classes. Please check their website for details.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dr. James Church at churchj@apsu.edu or over Microsoft Teams.
Tutoring Information
Tutoring is available in-person (in MMCS133 / Maynard 133 Lab) or using Microsoft Teams (unless otherwise stated). If you need to use Zoom, please ask a tutor to set up a Zoom meeting. We are no longer offering Zoom as a default option this semester (although some tutors do offer a Zoom option).
Last Day of Tutoring: 2024-04-30 (April 30th).
Tutoring is FREE for the following classes (both in-person and online):
- CSCI 1005
- CSCI 1010+1011
- CSCI 2010+2011
- CSCI 1300
- CSCI 3300
- CSCI 4400
Tutoring is provided on a first-come, first-serve basis. The tutors also provide software installation assistance service. You provide the legally obtained software, we teach you how to install the software.
Closed on days when classes are canceled (holidays, breaks, snow days).
Weekly Tutoring Schedule
- Dylan Hulon
- Monday and Wednesday. 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm.
- Room: Maynard 133
- Email: dhulon@my.apsu.edu
- Zoom: https://apsu.zoom.us/j/96113024858
- Rostyslav Karmanov
- Monday and Wednesday. 11:30am - 12:30pm
- Room: Maynard 133
- Email: rkarmanov@my.apsu.edu
- Zoom: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/2603207237?pwd=lZCWYe8astGCIiXwA2iHBoeHocWSTW.1
- Jacob Lehtola
- Tuesday and Thursday. 4pm to 5pm.
- Room: Maynard 133
- Email: 1jlehtola@apsu.edu
- Zoom: https://apsu.zoom.us/j/6251599635
- Wilfredo J. Cedano Ventura
- Tuesday and Thursday. 1pm to 3pm.
- Room: Maynard 133
- Email: wcedanoventura@my.apsu.edu
- Zoom: https://apsu.zoom.us/j/8993231233
- Andrew Wells
- Monday and Friday. 9am to 11 am.
- Room: Maynard 133
- Email: awells24@my.apsu.edu
- Zoom: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/8120840762?pwd=R3E4WUhMQk5hQ2JTVk9zM2lMYlRlZz09
- Monday and Friday. 9am to 11 am.