Facilities: Designed for the Sciences
Austin Peay’s science building is one of the South’s premier science teaching facilities,
offering students unsurpassed convenience, safety and educational research opportunities.
The Sundquist Science Center houses the Department of Biology, Department of Chemistry,
Department of Physics & Astronomy, and the Department of Allied Health Sciences.
- The American Chemical Society approved program requires and encourages student undergraduate research. This $35 M facility has abundant lab space for undergraduate research.
- All chemistry labs have state of the art exhaust hoods so students work safely and comfortably. Hoods are part of the equipment for every student lab desk in the organic laboratory.
- Building air is continually replaced to provide a safe and comfortable environment.
Our department houses many major analytical instruments that available for hands on use by students throughout their undergraduate education.
PerkinElmer AAnalyst 400 with
HGA 900 graphite furnace
Bioanalytical Systems, Inc (BASi 100B) with
Rotating Disk Electrode (RDE)
Hewlett-Packard 8453
PerkinElmer LS 55
BioTek Synergy H1 Hybrid Reader
Shimadzu GCMS QP2010 SE
AOC-20s autosampler
Waters Binary HPLC pump 1525
UV/Vis detector 2489
Fraction Collector III
Many thanks to Aegis Sciences Corporation who donated this instrument to our department!
Leap PAL HTS-xt Autosampler
Shimadzu LC20AD XR Chromatography system with CT0-20AC oven
Sciex 3200 Mass Spectrometer
Bruker Fourier 300
Rigaku MiniFlex 6G benchtop X-ray diffractometer
Our department often uses APSU's Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences' Hitachi model TM-1000 SEM housed in McCord.
Our students are first introduced to data collection using instrumentation in their first semester of general chemistry. Vernier probes and products help our students learn to using technology appropriately in the laboratory from the very beginning. Our department has the following Vernier probes:
- dissolved oxygen
- Ion selective electrodes (chlorine, calcium, nitrate, ammonium, and potassium)
- Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) Sensor
- Conductivity
- SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer
- Mini GC Plus
- UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
Department Map
Sometimes it is hard to find the lecture or lab that you are looking for, and even harder to find your professor's office. Please use the below map to help orient yourself to the rooms located in the chemistry department.
The chemistry office is located in A308. If all else fails, find this room and ask Mrs. Bailey Harrison for help!
Printable APSU Chemistry Department Floor Plan
Office Number | |
Dr. Lisa Sullivan | A308 |
Dr. Carrie Brennan | D318 (Inside D316) |
Dr. Allen Chaparadza | C304 |
Dr. Cody Covington | D320 (Inside D322) |
Dr. Zeinab Haratipour | C303 |
Dr. Leslie Hiatt | D317 |
Dr. Jennifer Lawrence | D309 |
Dr. Meagan Mann | C305 |
Dr. Fred Matthews | D304 (Inside D307) |
Dr. Anuradha Pathiranage |
D305 (Inside D307) |
Dr. Robin Reed | A312 |
Mrs. Bailey Harrison | A308 |
Our department is located on the third floor of Sundquist Science Center (SSC). To find SSC, please view the campus map located here. There are staircases located at the ends of each wing, a central staircase leading up from the lounge area, and two elevators. Once on the third floor, the main lecture halls (room numbers start with E) are found in the atrium area (hint: glass roof). The labs are located in the wings. The B-wing is physics, C-wing is biochemistry and physical chemistry, A-wing is general chemistry, and D-wing is organic, inorganic and analytical chemistry. On the third floor, we have a library for studying. It has one computer and a printer. Additionally, the third floor has a computer lab in the C-wing that is open for all students when not in use by classes.