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Undergraduate Preparation

The “pre-med” pathway is not a degree by itself, but a beginning point for students. There are certain criteria that must be fulfilled for admittance to medical school. You and your academic advisor will need to examine your interests, your academic record and the requirements to determine the best academic path for you.

Important Information

Preparation for Medical School

What should I major in if I want to go to medical school? There is not a specific major that is required for admittance into a medical program.  With your advisor’s help you can design a program of study that meets the admission requirements of medical school while still studying what interests you the most.  Most medical schools are seeking students who have developed excellent writing and speaking skills, possess analytic and synthetic thinking ability, are enthusiastic life-long learners and possess an understanding of the interpersonal aspects of medicine.  Your major does not determine your success in being accepted to medical school.  There are Allopathic Medical Schools (M.D), Naturopathic Medical Schools (N.D.) and Osteopathic Medical Schools (D.O.).

Requirements for most Medical Schools:

Early in your academic career you need to research the medical schools you are interested in attending to ensure you will meet all their criteria for admission.


Basic factors common to all professional schools:

Links to Medical Schools (M.D.) in the Area


Links to Doctor of Osteopathy Schools (D.O.) in the Area


Links to Naturopathic Schools (N.D.) in the Area