Faculty Reference
Testing Guidance - Faculty
The student schedules the exam with SDRC at least ONE WEEK prior to the date of the exam.
Note: If your student has back-to-back classes, they will consult with you about scheduling the time for their exam before they schedule the exam with SDRC.
SDRC coordinates with instructors regarding the delivery and location of the exam.
In the event that testing space is unavailable through SDRC, the student may be required to complete the exam in the academic department.
Extended Time: The standard for extended time at APSU is time and a half. For example, MWF classes require 1.5 hours to complete the test.
Reader/Scribe: SDRC will coordinate with the student and instructor to provide a reader/scribe. All students requesting this accommodation must request ONE WEEK prior to the date of the test due to scheduling.
The Electronic Accommodation Letter Process
Every semester, students with disabilities are required to notify the Office of Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) of their intent to use SDRC-qualified accommodations in one or more of their classes by submitting an Accommodation Letter Request form to SDRC. The following explains an APSU faculty member’s participation in this process.
Faculty will receive an accommodation letter by APSU email for students requesting accommodations in one of their classes.
Faculty will meet with the student requesting accommodations for a conference to discuss the implementation of the accommodation(s) identified in the letter and fill out the conference form the student brings to the conference meeting.
If the class identified in the accommodation letter is on-ground, the conference should be a face-to-face meeting in a location that protects the student’s confidentiality (i.e., in the faculty member’s office).
If the class is online, the conference can be either through APSU email between the faculty member and student with SDRC copied in the email or by telephone followed by an APSU email detailing the conversation with SDRC copied in the email.
Faculty with questions about the accommodation letter process or the accommodations identified in a letter are encouraged to contact the Student Disability Resource Center at 931-221-6230.
Syllabus Statements
Choose the most appropriate statement
Disability Policy
Any student who has a disability that may affect his/her academic performance is encouraged to make an appointment with me to discuss this matter, or you may contact Student Disability Resource Center; telephone 931-221-6230; fax 931-221-6230.
Students with disabilities:
Any student who has a disability that may affect his/her academic performance is encouraged to make an appointment with me to discuss this matter, or you may contact Student Disability Resource Center; telephone 931-221-6230; located In MUC Room 114.
Disability Policy:
Any student that has a condition that may affect his/her academic performance is encouraged to make an appointment with Disability Services (telephone (voice) 931-221-6230) to discuss the matter. This discussion should take place before the first exam.