CAEP Accountability Measures
The Council for the Accreditation of Education Preparation (CAEP) requires four (4) Accountability Measures (initial and advanced) that are designed to provide information to the public about the impact and outcomes of the College of Education’s CAEP accredited programs. These accountability measures include:
(1) completer effectiveness;
(2) satisfaction of employers and stakeholder involvement;
(3) candidate competency at completion; and
(4) ability of completers to be hired.
The Eriksson College of Education is CAEP accredited, which indicates that the College meets the organization's established standards.
Accountability Measures
The College of Education collects the following data as evidence that it meets each of CAEP’s Accountability Measures:
- Completer Effectiveness (Initial)
- Completer Satisfaction (Initial)
- Graduation Rates (Initial)
- Candidate Assessment Report Card (Initial)
- Candidate Assessment Annual Report (Initial)
- Candidate Profile (Initial)
- edTPA (Initial)
- Praxis Results (Initial)
- Graduation Rates (Advanced)
- Praxis Results (Advanced)
- Completer Employment (Initial)
- Completer Employment District Placement (Initial)
- Completer Employment (Advanced)