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Resources for Education Students

Scholarship Opportunities

Clarksville-Montgomery County Retired Teachers Scholarship for Education Majors

• This scholarship is awarded to a deserving education major

• Amount awarded up to $2,500

• Open to juniors and seniors who have met "provisional admission" requirements for the Teacher Education program

• Must have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher

• Apply by April 22, 2025, to Scholarship Committee Chair Ron Pendergrass at pendergrassron@gmail.com

• Application requirements (incomplete applications will not be accepted):

1) List your professional and/or leadership activities. 

2) A statement of financial need. List any other anticipated scholarship awards.

3) A brief statement (1 page) of your educational philosophy.

4) Other information that would be of interest to the selection committee.

5) Two letters of reference.

6) Proof of GPA. 

Download Application

APSU Retirees Association (APSURA) Scholarship

The APSU Retirees Association (APSURA) has established a scholarship to be given annually to a dependent of a
currently full-time employed faculty or staff member at Austin Peay State University. 


  • Any major
  • 3.25 cumulative GPA 
  • 48 credit hours completed (sophomore, junior, or senior)
  • Undergraduate students (graduate students and second-degree students will not be considered)
  • Dependent of a current full-time employee of APSU (dependents of part-time, temp employees and adjunct faculty will not be eligible)
  • Student must be enrolled full-time
  • Student must reapply and be selected annually
  • A written essay which includes:
    • Your reason for your chosen major and why you have chosen this field?
    • Briefly explain pertinent related experiences to major (volunteer, part time work, personal service, contributions, or awards).
    • Who or what has influence you or shaped your commitment to this career or major?
    • How would this scholarship help you meet your future goals?


Students may find the link to the scholarship at https://www.apsu.edu/scholarships/.

Prospective applicants should use APSURA as the keyword to search for the scholarship. The deadline to apply is Feb. 1, 2025.