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Tennessee Educational Leadership Journal

A TASCD Publication

Tennessee Educational Leadership
(TEL) is a peer-reviewed journal intended to communicate information, ideas, theoretical formulations, and research findings related to leadership, supervision, curriculum, and instruction. Starting with Volume 43, the TEL appears online with national open availability. Distribution includes Tennessee Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (TASCD) members and others interested in supervision/leadership, curriculum development, and instruction at both the university and school-based levels. The journal is nonthematic and aims to promote discussion of a broad range of concepts, theories, issues, and dissemination of the knowledge base for professionals in education.

Explore the Publication

Current and archived issues of the Tennessee Educational Leadership Journal are
available online on
Austin Peay State University's institutional repository, ASPIRE. Click below to read all issues available in an online format. 

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Executive Editors

Joanna C. Zimmerle, Austin Peay State University


John R. McConnell, Austin Peay State University

Cheryl Lambert, Austin Peay State University

Hanrui He, Austin Peay State University

Lekeshia Hicks, Austin Peay State University



Peer Reviewers

Laura Barnett, Austin Peay State University

Cathy Beck, Cheatham County

Jerry Burkett, Texas Women's University

John Cary, Camden Central High School

James Fox, East Tennessee State University



Dan Lawson, Tullahoma City Schools

Renee Murley, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Nicolette Rougemont, Clarksville Montgomery County Schools

Donna Short, Austin Peay State University

Barbara Young
, Middle Tennessee State University


Invitation to Submit Manuscripts

Deadline for Spring 2025 Volume 50(2): Feb. 1, 2025


Authors should format their manuscripts according to the APA (7th edition). Number all pages, but please do not include a running head. Authors should use the tab key instead of spaces to standardize the indenting of paragraphs. Use the hanging indent feature of Word on your references page rather than using tabs or spaces. Finally, place tables, charts, and figures at the end of your document.


Manuscripts, including references, tables, charts, and figures should not exceed 15 pages; however, we recognize that article length varies.

Cover Page

Include the title of the manuscript, date of submission, author’s name, email address, biographical information that identifies the author’s title, institutional affiliation, and areas of research interest (30 words per author) as well as a statement indicating the manuscript is not under consideration nor has it been published elsewhere.


A concise, 100-word, double-spaced narrative should be included at the beginning of the manuscript.

Review Process

Authors will receive acknowledgment regarding receipt of their submission. Manuscripts that meet TEL specifications will be peer-reviewed. Except for the cover page, TEL requires that you omit any identifying information to ensure a blind review.


Authors should email a Microsoft Word version of the manuscript to Dr. Joanna Zimmerle, zimmerlej@apsu.edu. In the subject line, include TEL Journal Submission.