What is Field Biology?
Field Biology can take many forms, but the goal is always to understand how living organisms function in their natural environments. The tools for conducting field research can be as simple as a pencil and a notebook or as complicated as sequencing and analyzing DNA; modern field biology often integrates data collected outdoors in an organism’s environment with molecular lab work and computer-based modeling. On any given day, scientific research in Field Biology can be exciting, exhausting, thrilling, boring, pleasant, tedious, a walk in the park, a scramble up a mountain, or a slog through a stream. For us in the CEFB, it is always rewarding.

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To celebrate Pollinator Week, Clarksville's sustainability organization Healthy Yards is hosting a family-friendly event to raise awareness for local wildlife pollinators at 10 a.m. Thursday, June 22, at the Austin Peay State University (APSU) Outdoor Education Center, 530 York St.
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Kurt Bryant, a volunteer with the Southeastern Grasslands Institute (SGI) at Austin Peay State University, has completed a mapping project that took him over two years and more than a thousand hours to finish. Bryant provided 80% of all volunteer hours on the project.
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Austin Peay State University has installed a special mesh window treatment on two sets of windows at Sundquist Science Complex as part of an experiment to reduce the number of birds that die flying into the windows.
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