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Full Spectrum Learning Social Activities

Frequently Asked Questions

No, the only academic requirements that the FSL program upholds are in place by the University. If a student qualifies for admission to the university and is issued an acceptance or conditional acceptance from the APSU Office of Admissions, then they academically qualify for the FSL program

Yes, the student services outlined on the "student" tab on our website lists all of our FSL services. Each service contains a mandatory component – for example, the requirement for tutoring and study hours is that three hours of one or the other, or the two combined, must be completed weekly. Students are also required to meet with their peer mentor OR faculty mentor – depending on student status 

Based off the required FSL services, our students will have contact with FSL staff at least twice a week for their accountability meeting and their weekly FSL course. The FSL office is always open to students to come in and hang out, study, ask questions etc. FSL students who need added support will be considered for academic coaching that will increase their weekly contact with the FSL staff.  

FSL requires that all freshmen in the program receive tutoring in every course that they are taking. The reason for this is so that they can get acclimated properly to college courses, higher education study skills and work load. Tutoring sessions are for our students to COMPLETE their work, not just ask questions about areas they are struggling in. At the very least, students will use their tutoring time to get their homework done – which is always great to have in a schedule, no matter how proficient a student is in their subjects. Sophomores are required to START each semester with tutoring in all of their courses. If certain sessions are deemed unnecessary by the program director, then the sessions may be reevaluated. Juniors and Seniors will receive tutoring based off of their personal need and at the discretion of the program director.  

FSL Peer Mentors are interviewed and hired based upon their dedication and interest in developing relationships with our FSL students. They often have great on-campus connections and a wide variety of interests. When it comes to pairing our students with their mentors, we try and consider shared interests or majors, but we also encourage the communication and social interaction that it takes to get to know someone. Our students will certainly have the opportunity to discover things that they have in common with their mentors even if it seems there is nothing initially. 

FSL prides itself on being flexible - flexible enough to adapt to the needs of our individual students. The FSL service model was established because it has been a great basis for support for ALL of our students; however, we have had students in the past need added support. These situations will be evaluated by the Program Director and things like intensive hands on academic coaching, added tutoring or mentoring and tutoring guides can be implemented to help the student.


It is important to remember that the goal of FSL is to foster independence and create confident, professional individuals that contribute positively to society and their workplace. Added support beyond the FSL service model is situational and will be faded out of the student's schedule over time in order to continue fostering that independence. 

Congratulations! You're a parent of a college student! The role of the parent is crucial for student academic success, at FSL we know this and celebrate this. We encourage all of our students to maintain an open line of communication with their parents or guardians because FSL functions as the student's connection to campus and their college life, leaving us very limited in the contact that we can have with parents. 


In order to protect their privacy and cultivate a trusting relationship with our students, FSL staff will not send reports, updates, emails or make phone calls to parents without the adult student's prior permission. In addition, all meetings with FSL staff about an FSL student will require that the student be present. 


FSL students understand that if they miss consecutive program requirements, or FSL staff is concerned about their safety, their parents/guardians may be contacted.  

No, FSL students are required to meet the same academic requirements and standards as all APSU students. FSL students will receive appropriate classroom accommodations to "level the playing field" of the standard university classroom.


A list of classroom accommodations through the Student Disability Resource Center can be found under our "Students" tab in "Services and Resources."

FSL does not offer counseling services. FSL's purpose is to support students academically, and promote campus integration. When a student comes to FSL staff seeking help in this area, we are happy to guide our students to the appropriate resources either on or off campus.  

While living on campus promotes socialization and independence, in most cases we encourage it; however, our students are not required to live on campus. 

ADA individual housing is available for students who live, or will live on campus and are registered with the Student Disability Resource Center.