Ed.D Progression
The information below outlines the components of doctoral students' progression throughout the program. Each student must complete all components prior to graduation.
- The doctoral coordinator will send students information related to the orientation.
- Determine a doctoral chair.
- Collaborate with doctoral chair to determine two or three additional committee members, following EdD program guidelines.
- Pass the comprehensive examination.
- Defend a proposal (i.e., introduction, literature review, and methodology chapters) to the doctoral committee.
- After proposal has been approveda, submit an IRB application.
- After IRB approval, collect data related to dissertation study.
- Analyze data and write the results and discussion chaptersb.
- Confer with doctoral chair about which semester to apply for graduation.
- Defend dissertation to the doctoral committee.
- Carefully follow the guidelines in the APSU Dissertation and Thesis Manual to finalize your dissertation document.
- Submit dissertation document to ProQuest and revise until approval is received.
- Doctoral chair completes the Verification of Ed.D. form
- Coordinator submits form to the College of Graduate Studies after all items on the EdD graduation checklist are completed.
a Once you pass the comprehensive examination and successfully defend your proposal, you become a doctoral candidate (instead of a doctoral student).
b Schedule the dissertation defense a minimum of 8 weeks prior to graduation to ensure time for post-defense revising, editing, formatting, and uploading to ProQuest.