How to Join a Fraternity or Sorority
To join a fraternity or sorority, you must go through membership intake or recruitment.
Before you go through membership intake/recruitment, it is important that you learn about what the different fraternities and sororities offer to you as a potential aspirant/new member. Also, it is important to remember to maintain a high academic performance, get involved in the community, and find outlets for leadership opportunities. These elements aid in your interest to join a fraternity or sorority.
Membership Intake & Recruitment Processes
APSU is home to fraternities and sororities governed by three different councils. Each council has a different intake/recruitment process. Learn more about each council's process below:
- College Panhellenic Council (CPC) governs National Panhellenic Council (NPC) sororities and women’s fraternities. Formal/primary recruitment is held at
the beginning of the fall semester.
- If a chapter has space available in the spring semester, they may host recruitment events at that time. Chapters operate on individual basis during the spring semester.
- Interfraternity Council (IFC) governs member fraternities, most associated with the North-American Interfraternity
Conference. Recruitment takes place at the start of every semester.
- National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) governs historically African American fraternities and sororities. Member intake occurs at various times throughout the year and is advertised on fliers labeled "Interest Meeting," "Interest Tea," "Meet & Greet" or "Informational."