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  Panhellenic Sorority Fall Recruitment Registration

All fall recruitment events will be in person. All registered potential new members will receive instructions during the PNM Orientation and will have support from the Panhellenic Recruitment Counselors (Gamma Chis) and Panhellenic Executive Board.

Recruitment Registration:

Please follow the link below to the Fall 2024 Panhellenic Recruitment Registration.

Some important things to note going into this year's recruitment process:

Follow this link to the 2024 Panhellenic Recruitment Registration!


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Zac Moore, Assistant Director of Student Life & Engagement. Additionally, see below for the link to the College Panhellenic Council's Facebook and Instagram pages where there will be frequent updates.

Facebook Logo

Instagram Logo


Follow this link to the Fall 2024 Panhellenic Sorority Recruitment Schedule



Below are guidelines that govern Panhellenic Council recruitment process:
  • All participants must be enrolled in at least 12 credit hours for the current semester in order to be eligible for recruitment.
  • Alcohol and illegal drugs are prohibited from use during Recruitment Week. The Panhellenic Council will dismiss from recruitment anyone found in violation and will refer all violations to the Office of Student Affairs.
  • Austin Peay State University and the Panhellenic Council are not responsible for the loss, theft of, or damage to personal property of the students.
  • Potential new members are encouraged to attend the maximum number of functions that she can each day of recruitment in order to maximize her chances of receiving an invitation for membership.
  • Potential new members must notify the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs in writing if they choose to withdraw from recruitment.
  • Potential new members have the right to not join a sorority if, in the end of the recruitment week period, that seems best to them.
  • Participation in Panhellenic Council recruitment is not a guarantee that a potential new member will receive a bid to join a Panhellenic Council organization.
  • All participants must register for recruitment through the official registration link. See the link at the top of this tab. 
  • Recruitment registrations must be received by Thursday, September 2, 2021, prior to the start of Orientation.
  • Potential new members, chapter members, alumnae volunteers, and chapter advisors will all be required to wear face masks and practice social distancing during all in-person events. Additionally, all individuals must immediately report if they feel unwell and must not attend in-person activities.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the VP of Recruitment Logistics