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Alpha Delta Pi


Alpha Delta Pi was founded on May 15, 1851 at Wesleyan Female College in Macon, GA and was installed in Austin Peay’s campus in 1983. Alpha Delta Pi, originally called The Adelphean Society, is known for being the first secret society for women. The founders created The Adelphean Society for the "mental, moral, social, and domestic improvement of its members". Today there are more than 140 active collegiate chapters with over 215,000 women.

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OUR VISION: Alpha Delta Pi is a way of life. 

OUR MISSION: Established in 1851, Alpha Delta Pi is committed to sisterhood, values and ethics, high academic standards and social responsibility.

Nickname: ADPi
Mascot: Lion
Colors: Azure Blue and White
Flower: The Woodland Violet
Chapter: Eta Gamma
Founded Nationally: May 15, 1851 at Wesleyan Female College in Macon, GA.
Founded Locally: November 19, 1983
Philanthropy: Ronald McDonald House Charities (National) and Camp Rainbow (Local)

Alpha Delta Pi President: Libby Smith

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Alpha Delta Pi National Website
Alpha Delta Pi Local Website


