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Welcome to Professors and Pastries, Staff and Sweets

Profs and Pastries/Staff and Sweets in the Commons provide more than just a break from studying; they offer a unique opportunity for students, faculty, and staff to come together in an informal yet intellectually stimulating environment. Our sessions offer a delightful blend of conversation, knowledge sharing, and delectable treats, all set against the backdrop of our Honors Commons.

cups of tea and snacks
When and Where to Join Us

These talks occur in the Honors Commons at various times, so watch The Commoner for announcements! They provide a perfect mid-day break for both students and faculty! You can also check the Honors Instagram to see when the next one is scheduled!

Honors and PELP Instagram

Exploring the Academic World

Every week, we invite esteemed faculty and staff members from various academic disciplines to join us for brief presentations. During these sessions, these passionate experts delve into topics close to their hearts, providing students with a glimpse into their respective fields of study. The subjects can span from groundbreaking research and academic insights to the simple joys and inspirations they find in their work.

To sweeten the experience, we provide delicious food at each session, ensuring that both your intellectual and physical appetites are satisfied. It's a time to enjoy delightful refreshments while indulging in stimulating conversations.

Connecting Minds and Hearts

These talks aren't just about taking a break; they are about forging connections. They provide an opportunity for students to engage with faculty members outside of the classroom, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared intellectual curiosity. These sessions encourage open dialogue, questions, and the exchange of ideas, allowing students to see the possibilities that academia holds.

We extend a warm invitation to all students, faculty, and staff to join us for Profs and Pastries/Staff and Sweets. Whether you're seeking academic inspiration, hoping to expand your horizons, or simply looking for a pleasant break in your day, these talks offer it all. Come and be a part of this enriching tradition, and let the flavors of knowledge and connection infuse your university experience. We can't wait to share this journey with you.