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Lactation Space

Woodward Library room 230 is a private space for students, employees, and visitors to pump breast milk or breastfeed a baby. The lactation room is located in the back left-hand corner of the main floor of the library.

Request the lactation room key at the front checkout desk. There is no time limit, but we ask that you be considerate of others who may wish to use the room. Please return the key to the front desk when you are finished.

The lactation room is small and contains a table and single chair. Users must provide their own pump kit, storage container, and other supplies such as baby wipes or hand sanitizer. Restrooms with sinks and hand soap are available near the front of the library.

Another lactation room on the APSU campus is located in the Adult, Nontraditional and Transfer Student (ANTS) Center in the Morgan University Center, room 112. Office 112A is available to those breastfeeding. Feel free to stop by when the center is open to use this space. This space can also be utilized for other medical purposes that require privacy.

More information about breastfeeding laws and lactation space:

Breastfeeding Laws - TN Department of Health