Atkinson, Wes |
Associate Professor |
931-221-7215 |
atkinsonr@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 204 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Baker, Olja
Adjunct Faculty |
bakero@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Faculty |
Bastin, Jesse
Adjunct Faculty |
bastinj@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Faculty |
Brockman, Beatrix |
Department Chair & Professor |
931-221-7847 |
brockmanb@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 116 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Burdette, Lori
Adjunct Faculty |
burdettel@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
PO Box 4416 |
Faculty |
Call, Thomas
Instructor |
931-221-7281 |
callt@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 206 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Clark, Sherry
Instructor |
931-221-7892 |
clarkso@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 112B |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Crenshaw, Linda
Professor |
931-221-7119 |
crenshawl@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 140 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
DeVault, Michael
Adjunct Faculty |
931-221-7891 |
devaultm@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
PO Box 4887 |
Faculty |
Deeren, Raymond |
Assistant Professor |
931-221-7857 |
deerenr@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 219 |
PO BOX 4487 |
Faculty |
Di Paolo Harrison, Osvaldo |
Professor |
931-221-7487 |
dipaoloo@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 216 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Donelson, Danielle |
Assistant Professor |
931-221-7874 |
donelsond@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 232 |
PO BOX 4487 |
Faculty |
Dugger, Stephanie
Assistant Professor |
931-221-7894 |
duggers@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 118 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Emery, Taylor
Assistant Professor |
931-221-7365 |
emeryt@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 107 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Flynn, John
Adjunct Faculty |
flynnj@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Faculty |
Fox, K.K.
Instructor |
931-221-7889 |
foxkk@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 139 |
PO BOX 4487 |
Faculty |
Fuglsby, Brandi |
Assistant Professor |
931-221-7893 |
fuglsbyb@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 225 |
PO BOX 4487 |
Faculty |
Gargaillo, Florian |
Associate Professor |
931-221-7871 |
gargaillof@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 236 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Goble, Courtney
Adjunct Faculty |
meltonc@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Faculty |
Gray, Barbara
Instructor |
931-221-6239 |
grayb@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Claxton Building CX 101D |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Grisham, Joey
Instructor |
931-221-7886 |
grishamj@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 139 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Henley, Leah
Adjunct Faculty |
henleyl@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Faculty |
Hill, Amy Lynne
Instructor |
931-221-7887 |
hillal@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 139 |
PO BOX 4487 |
Faculty |
Honea, Katherine |
Associate Professor |
931-221-7117 |
honeak@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 223 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Hunnell, Brooke
Adjunct Faculty |
931-221-7891 |
hunnellb@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Johnston, Allie |
Assistant Professor & Writing Center Director |
931-221-7870 |
johnstona@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 131 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Joyce, Carrie
Adjunct Faculty |
joycec@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Faculty |
Kershner, Steve |
Associate Professor |
931-221-7896 |
kershners@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 214 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Knapp, Nathan
Adjunct Faculty |
knappn@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Faculty |
Konkobo, Christophe |
Professor |
931-221-7596 |
konkoboc@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 213 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Kostakis, Andrew |
Assistant Professor |
931-221-7339 |
kostakisa@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 105 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
LaMantia, Dana
Adjunct Faculty |
lamantiad@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Faculty |
Ladd-Suits, Dannie
laddsuitsd@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Faculty |
Lowery, Coard
Academic Assistant to the Chair |
931-221-7890 |
loweryc@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 115 |
PO BOX 4487 |
Staff |
Major, Charla
Associate Professor |
931-221-7133 |
majorc@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 212 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Major, David |
Professor |
931-221-7927 |
majord@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 228 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
McCarver, Dale
Adjunct Faculty |
931-221-7891 |
mccarverr@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
McGowan, Cresta
Adjunct Faculty |
mcgowanc@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Faculty |
McKeever, Diane
Adjunct Faculty |
931-221-7696 |
mckeeverd@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
PO Box 4545 |
Faculty |
Mohon-Doyle, Keely
Assistant Professor |
931-221-7875 |
mohondoylek@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 212 |
PO BOX 4487 |
Faculty |
Morrison, Pamela |
Instructor |
931-221-7861 |
morrisonp@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 244 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Morsillo, Whitney
Adjunct Faculty |
morsillow@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Faculty |
Passon, Jerry
Assistant Professor |
931-221-7891 |
passonj@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 115 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Prince, Noelle
Adjunct Faculty |
princen@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Faculty |
Romine, Tina
Adjunct Faculty |
931-221-7891 |
rominet@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Ruiz, Miguel
Professor |
931-221-7855 |
ruizm@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 104 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Schunk, Kara
Adjunct Faculty |
931-221-7891 |
schunkk@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Shea, Daniel |
Professor |
931-221-7895 |
shead@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 230 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Sikes, Marisa |
Associate Professor |
931-221-7212 |
sikesm@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 234 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Sleigh, Jill
Adjunct Faculty |
sleighj@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Faculty |
Sorenson, Karen
Professor |
931-221-6246 |
sorensonk@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 142 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Terry, Tim
Adjunct Faculty |
terryt@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Faculty |
Vaughan, Michael
Adjunct Faculty |
931-221-7891 |
vaughanm@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Wadia, Minoo
Professor |
931-221-7448 |
wadiam@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 227 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
White, Paula |
Assistant Professor |
931-221-7864 |
whitep@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 235 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Williams, Jesse |
Assistant Professor |
931-221-7885 |
williamsjl1@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Marks Building MX 106 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Winters, Mary |
Instructor |
931-221-6828 |
wintersm@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 241 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Wright, Amy |
Professor |
931-221-7714 |
wrighta@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Harned Hall HH 215 |
PO Box 4487 |
Faculty |
Zurita Valdebenito, Paola
Adjunct Faculty |
zuritavaldebenitop@apsu.edu |
Languages & Literature |
Faculty |
Languages & Literature
931-221-7891 |
Languages & Literature |
HH 115 |
PO Box 4487 |