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General Admission Information

The prerequisite for pursuing this degree is 12 hours of psychology or psychology-related courses, including courses like Introduction to Psychology, Human Development, and Psychopathology (or closely related). If seeking a master's degree in counseling, candidates must request admission to candidacy before completing nine hours of graduate coursework. 

Admission Requirements 

**Deadline for Priority Admission: February 20th (application and supporting documentation must be submitted prior to the deadline to be considered for admissions)

General admission requirements and necessary documents are available through Graduate Admissions.

Specific admission requirements for the M.S. in Counseling program are available in the Graduate Bulletin.  

To start a new application or review an existing application, click here.

For more information, contact:

Dr. Kim Coggins, Counseling Program Coordinator
Department of Psychological Science and Counseling
Clement Building
P.O. Box 4537
Clarksville, TN 37044
cogginsk@apsu.edu; (931) 221-7234

 International Student Admission

The APSU College of Graduate Studies handles all international student admissions.  General admission requirements for international students can be found through Graduate Admissions.

In addition to the general admission requirements for international students and the admission requirements for all students in the M.S. in Counseling program, specific requirements for the M.S. in Counseling program for international students include the following items:

Non-Degree Seeking Student Admission

We do admit a limited number of post-Masters students seeking to complete the additional coursework required for licensure as a clinical mental health counselor or school counselor. To be considered for admission as a non-degree-seeking student, you must have received a master's degree in counseling or a closely related field. 

You must still complete the full application process, including 3 letters of recommendation, a personal statement, and a faculty interview. You can find information specific to applying as a non-degree-seeking student at this link:
Graduate Studies Categories of Admission 

You will not be able to receive financial aid as a non-degree-seeking student: Graduate Bulletin Categories of Admission


Transfer Student Admission

We admit transfer students from other CACREP-accredited Master of Counseling programs. You can transfer up to 9 credit hours of work completed prior to enrollment in the program at APSU, and all transfer credit is evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the program coordinator and admissions committee. The application process is the same as the general admissions requirements.

Visit Us!

We invite you to visit our program, view our facilities, and meet our faculty and graduate students. If you want to arrange your visit, please contact Dr. Kim Coggins, Counseling Program Coordinator, at cogginsk@apsu.edu.

For a map and directions, click here.