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Welcome to the Counseling Graduate Program

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CACREp Accreditation Logo

 CACREP Accreditation

Austin Peay State University's (APSU) Counseling Graduate Program is committed to excellence and, as of July 2019, the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), a specialized accrediting body recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), has granted accreditation to the following programs in the Department of Psychological Science and Counseling: M.S. in Counseling, Clinical Mental Health Counseling concentration; and M.S. in Counseling, School Counseling concentration. CACREP accreditation recognizes that the content and quality of APSU's Counseling Graduate Program have been evaluated and meet the high standards set by the profession. All students who graduate within 18 months of the program receiving accreditation (January 2018 and later) will be grandfathered and considered to have graduated from a CACREP-accredited program.


The mission of the Master’s Program in Counseling is to provide both academic and clinical training that will prepare students to be highly effective professional counselors. Our goal is to influence students to be life-long learners who are sensitive to and appreciative of the developmental needs of individuals and groups in the context of a rapidly changing multicultural society. Students completing the school counseling concentration are eligible for Tennessee certification as school counselors pending their passing of the Praxis Exam. Students completing the mental health counseling concentration will have met the educational requirements for licensure in Tennessee as Licensed Professional Counselors with the Mental Health Service Provider designation.

Counseling Program Student Outcomes

(Fall 2023 - Summer 2024)

Clinical Mental Health Concentration School Counseling Concentration

Number of Graduates: 9

Number of Graduates: 4

Completion Rate: 90% (out of 20 who started in 2022, 11 continuing enrollments, 2 withdrawals, 7 graduated)

Completion Rate: 100% (out of 4 who started in 2021, 1 continuing enrollment, 3 graduated)

Comprehensive Exam (CECE) Pass Rate: 87% (7/8)

Licensure Exam (NCE) Pass Rate prior to graduation: 100% (3/3)

Comprehensive Exam (CECE) Pass Rate: 75% (3/4) 

Licensure Exam (PRAXIS II) Pass Rate: 75% (3/4) 

Job Placement/Doctoral Acceptance Rate: 100% at the time of graduation for students seeking employment.

Job Placement/Doctoral Acceptance Rate: 100% at the time of graduation for students seeking employment

Student Assessment, Program Evaluation, & Annual Report

To ensure we are working effectively toward this mission, the Graduate Counseling Program at Austin Peay State University (APSU) engages in systematic and ongoing evaluation of its two counseling program concentrations.  You can find out more about our ongoing assessment and evaluation procedures here.  We also invite you to view our Annual Report, which reports the results of our program evaluation here or by visiting the Student Assessment, Program Evaluation, and Annual Report page.

 Values Statement

The Austin Peay State University Counseling program emphasizes the importance of professionalism, ethical practice, and respect for others. The program faculty are committed to educating students who strive to promote fairness and well-being in society. This commitment aligns with the ethical standards of the counseling profession as outlined in the American Counseling Association's Code of Ethics (2014), the American School Counselor Association's Ethical Standards (2022), and the CACREP Standards (2024). Students enrolled in the Counseling program are expected to uphold these principles in their academic and professional conduct.

 Program Objectives

The Masters' Program in Counseling strives to support the holistic development of quality counselors by meeting program and curriculum-specific objectives aligned with CACREP Standards.


CACREP Professional Identity Standard
APSU Program Objectives
Professional Counseling Orientation and Ethical Practice
To prepare counselors who are knowledgeable about the philosophy, history, and current and future trends in the counseling profession.
Social and Cultural Diversity
To train counselors who can recognize, understand, and respond to social and cultural differences and change in our society.
Human Growth and Development

To train counselors who have a foundation for understanding human behavior and development.


To prepare counselors who are able to design, implement, and evaluate developmentally appropriate counseling interventions and programs.
Career Development
To prepare counselors who are knowledgeable and skilled in helping clients make life and career decisions.
Counseling and Helping Relationships

To train counselors who are knowledgeable and skilled in the helping/counseling process.


To prepare counselors who are able to apply knowledge, theory, and skills to work effectively with clients in a variety of modalities (individual, group, family) and to use crisis intervention, brief counseling, and long-term approaches.
Group Counseling and Group Work
To train counselors who are knowledgeable and skilled in providing group counseling.
Assessment and Testing

To prepare counselors who are knowledgeable and skilled in gathering, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting data about individuals.


To prepare counselors who are knowledgeable and skilled in the use of assessment techniques, including diagnosis, with individuals and groups.
Research and Program Evaluation

To prepare counselors who are knowledgeable about research and program evaluation.


To prepare counselors who are able to read, critique, utilize and contribute to professional research literature and who are able to engage in program evaluation.
CACREP Professional Identity Standard   APSU Program Objective

Professional Practice Standards

Develop, through supervised practicum and internship experiences, an integration of the knowledge and skills needed to be successful as practicing counselors.

Personal Growth and Understanding

Develop, through self-reflection and insight, an understanding of oneself and the use of self in the counseling process. Develop a personal approach to counseling and client/student advocacy with a clear understanding of counselor functions.


Kristyn Richard
Krysten Joubert
'18 Clinical Mental Health Counseling

I like the genuine and positive support from professors and students in this program
Taylor Clay
Taylor Clay
'18 School Counseling

I like this program because I’m learning to not only help others, but to help myself. Self-care is something I did not expect to learn so much about.
Photo of Chelsea Fair
Chelsea Fair
'21 Clinical Mental Health Counseling

I could not imagine going through this program with any other guidance. (Hampton House Counseling)
Taylor Amick
Taylor Amick
'17 School Counseling

The most surprising thing is your connections you build with your cohort. I can honestly say I’m walking away with friends for life.
Where have APSU alumni gone?
Ashley Dale
Meet Ashley Dale

After completing the Counseling program with a concentration in School Counseling, Ashley is now the Elementary Lead School Counselor through the Clarksville-Montgomery County School System. 

Nicolette Tomaszewski
Meet Nicolette Tomaszewski

After completing the Counseling program with a concentration in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Nicolette is now working as a counselor at the Clarksville office of the Sexual Assault Center.

Christopher Carlson
Meet Christopher Carlson

After completing the Counseling program with a concentration in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Christopher is now working with Blanchfield Army Community Hospital through their Behavioral Health Intensive Outpatient program.

How Do I Get Started?

Admission is via application review and interview. Begin the application process now by visiting the Graduate Studies website.