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Music Education Student Forms

As a music major concentrating in either Music Education (Choral/K-12 General Music) or Music Education (Instrumental/K-12 General Music), you work closely with the APSU College of Education, especially in the Practicum and Clinical Teaching semesters, and as you near graduation. The documents below will be required in various courses along the way and are listed here as a resource for those currently concentrating in music education.



Transition Review Criteria Checklist

This form summarizes the requirements to gain and maintain entrance into the music education concentration program and into the College of Education. You will need this form in the semester you take MUS 2240 (Introduction to Music Education)


APSU Lesson Plan

This is the College of Education's official lesson plan for EDUC classes. You will need this document in any music education, or college of education course where you are required to write lesson plans. Some music education methods courses will also use abbreviated forms of this lesson plan, or other common lesson plan models. 



All students in APSU teacher education programs are expected to adhere to the professional dispositions prescribed by the College of Education. In each methods class, you will sign the dispositions form and will be upheld to the professional expectations described on the form. Failure to do so may result in removal from the music education program.