A Journal of Undergraduate Research in Classics
Submission Guidelines
- Philomathes requests that all submissions follow the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, especially for citations and bibliography.
- A submission consists of: A) an abstract of no more than 200 words, B) a cover sheet that provides the author’s name, contact information, affiliated college or university, title of submission, and word count, and C) the manuscript. The author’s name should not appear on the manuscript itself. Authors should also submit the name and contact information of one faculty reference.
- Submissions should be a maximum of 4000 words and a minimum of 2000.
- Submissions must be in Word.
- Please use Verdana font, 12-point.
- Please double-space manuscripts with 1-inch margins all around.
- Please insert page numbers in the upper right corner of the manuscript.
- Please use footnotes rather than endnotes.
- Abbreviations: please refrain from superfluous abbreviations. Please do not italicize Latin abbreviations (i.e., et al.). For names of authors and works, please use the abbreviation conventions found in the front-matter of the Liddell, Scott, and Jones Greek Lexicon and Oxford Latin Dictionary.
- Please use BCE and CE, instead of BC and AD to denote time periods.
- We encourage the use of the original language (i.e., Latin or Ancient Greek). If you do use original language quotations, please provide English translations of quotations. Please acknowledge authors of translations that are not your own.
- Authors should only include illustrations, figures, tables, or photographs which are their own, are not under copyright, or for which they have been given permission to use by the copyright holder. All acknowledgements of copyright holders should appear in the footnotes and in the image description.
- Authors will be notified of the decision of the editorial board by 31 January.