Creating a Publication
We want to help you develop effective promotional efforts for University-sponsored activities. Before you begin creating a publication, consider these points.
- Is your website up to date and support what you plan to distribute?
- What is the purpose and does it fit in your department's overall marketing efforts?
- Who is the target audience?
- How are you distributing the publication?
- Has your chair, supervisor, etc. approved costs associated with print and distribution?
- Do you have the proper resources to produce this publication? Often a publication needs the expertise of a graphic design professional.
- Is your area prepared to handle the results (i.e., increased telephone calls, increased enrollment)?
- How will you measure the effectiveness in relation to the overall marketing efforts?
For additional information, on creating a publication, contact:
Director of Projects and Printing Services,, 931-221-7210
Approval Process
The university’s publication approval process is driven by university policy.
To ensure the University’s written message and visual brands convey a consistent and accurate message and image, all print and electronic publications that will be viewed by prospective students and the general public must be approved by the Office of Public Relations and Marketing.
Let us help you—and yes, the logo is required to be prominently displayed on your publication.
Reference the APSU full brand guide available on the PR Marketing/Branding website tab.
Use this checklist to help you include all the branding and required elements.
- APSU logo or respective unit identifier
- One of the non-discrimination statements
- Colors and fonts referenced in brand guide
- Write in Associate Press Style
- Apply publication number (AP#) assigned upon PR approval
Submit for review criteria
- Printing and/or design costs exceed $50.
- Publication or advertisement is being distributed off campus.
- The publication is for an on-campus event that is open to the public.
- Formal Invitations—defined as mailed in envelope (Note: Affirmative action statement not required; only the AP number and logo)
Note: All publications are required to be printed on campus, including those which do not fall under the review criteria, unless the Executive Director of Public Relations and Marketing, their designee, or the Vice President for Legal Affairs and Organizational Strategy has made an exception.
Email the form to or deliver to the PR Office, Browning 207.
Timeline for review
Please allow three working days for PR review and allow more time for lengthier publications.