Why study English
Do you like to read? Do you like to read between the lines? Do you like to think critically and analytically about texts? Do you want to learn how to read with insight, explore perspectives, the making of meaning? Then our Bachelor of Arts in English is just right for you. Our classes will guide you through the breadth of literature and beyond. Language is a powerful tool; we will teach you the critical approach to language and how it has always shaped the world.
It is better to ask, “What can’t you do with an English major?” The skills you learn in our English courses help prepare you for countless careers, to include, but not limited to: Literary Agent, Author, Critic, Legal Researcher, Librarian, Reporter, Science Writer, Campaign Manager, Public Relations Manager, Social Media Manager, Teacher, Professor, Content Creator etc.
The English Faculty of the Department of Languages and Literature are committed to providing quality courses to our majors but also to students of all majors taking their core classes with us. Our faculty have expertise in rhetoric, literary study, linguistics, creative and technical writing as well as composition. Our department includes and collaborates with experienced scholars specializing in African American Studies as well as Women’s and Gender Studies. Additionally, our faculty have a distinguished record of research and specialization in multiple areas. We all will challenge and inspire you in our classrooms, during study abroad, and many events on and off campus.
The faculty of the Department of Languages and Literature is far traveled and will teach you how to navigate the global world on campus and on studies abroad to the United Kingdom or Ireland. With us you will explore the dynamic world of the written word, be in print, new media, or technology. Language, writing, printing (literally or virtually) is in flux and together we will shape your ability to read any source of information critically while also engaging with literary texts and the worlds writers have created.
What will I Learn
- English majors will develop a deep engagement with the complexities of language, literary form, and artistic expression.
- Acquire the ability to write well, whether creatively or analytically and have the capacity for creative expression and original insight.
- Have a better understanding of diverse literatures, various cultures, historical periods, and themselves.
- Learn how the writings of the past may have shaped the world we live in today.
- Courses explore what literature tells us about the culture that produced it, including
religious beliefs, social values and practices, worldview, or ideology.