Clubs and Awards
Sociology Club - Promote the application of sociological principles and study, participation in University activities, and to assist sociology students in the achievement of scholastic goals. In the past academic year, the club helped collect can food for the Austin Peay Canned Food Drive. They came in second place among all the groups that participated. Through bake sales, the club raised funds to help the local Rape and Sexual Abuse Center. Check out the club's Facebook page for more information about upcoming activities and meetings. Contact for Sociology Club Dr. Ring-Ramirez
Alpha Kappa Delta - The International Sociology Honor Society, founded in 1920. The first chapter was established at Austin Peay in the Fall of 2001. This Honor Society is for major and minor students who maintain a 3.0 GPA within the discipline. Contact for AKD Dr. Patrick
1. Must be an officially declared sociology major or demonstrate a serious interest
in sociology within an official program of the host institution.
2. Must be at least a junior (third year) by standards of the host institution.
3. Must have accumulated the equivalent of an overall GPA of 3.0 (by a four point
scale where: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0) and rank in the top 35% of their class in general
4. Must have maintained the equivalent of a 3.0 GPA in sociology courses taken at
the host institution prior to initiation.
5. Must have completed at least four regular courses in sociology prior to initiation
(exclusive of extension or courses graded pass/fail).