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APSU Theatre and Dance Auditions

If you are looking for auditions for our season go HERE

Auditions for the 2025-2026 school year will be moving to the Acceptd platform. Auditions open on October 20th, 2024. 


We partner with Acceptd to host our applications/auditions. Please visit our landing page to learn more and begin an application.

Current students can send BFA auditions or scholarship auditions to auditions@apsu.edu

The dance example video is located below.

The Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) Degree in Theatre Arts is a Professional Degree. Each concentration in the BFA degree consists of 79 hours. Many practical studio courses are integrated into the curriculum. Admission to these programs is via audition and/or portfolio review and interview.

PLEASE let us know about any accommodations you may need. We are a welcoming and safe space and we want everyone to have equal opportunity in our department.

Please write a 1-2 page essay using one of the three prompts below. When choosing a prompt, consider your own experiences, strengths, and values. Select the one that allows you to tell a compelling and authentic story about yourself. Regardless of the prompt you choose, remember to be honest, reflective, and concise in your writing, and make sure your essay demonstrates why you are a good fit for this community. 

1. Failure and Resilience:

-Describe a time when you faced failure or setback and how you responded.

-Reflect on what you learned from the experience and how it has influenced your character.

-Share how you plan to approach challenges in college.

2. Personal Statement:

-Describe a significant personal experience or achievement and its impact on you.

-Share a challenging obstacle you've overcome and how it has shaped your character.

-Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?

3. Fostering Community:

-Describe your background, individuality, or a talent that is meaningful to you and how you will contribute to the multifaceted fabric of the college community.

-Discuss an experience where you've learned from someone with a different background or perspective.

-Reflect on a time when you've advocated for or worked to promote a more accepting community.

Self-Tape Audition Requirements : 

We follow the MTCP on the Acceptd platform. Please visit our landing page for audition requirements.

Thanks to students Mikhalia Ferguson, Michaela Mcgarel, and Alex VanBuren

Acting & Musical Theatre Auditions (with the exception of the dance audition for Musical Theatre students which much be full body) must be framed from the waist up with room above the head as is shown in this picture (thanks to student Erica Harris for demonstrating):




Please upload your videos and submit through Acceptd.

Scholarship Info 

The Department of Theatre Arts offers talent scholarships and out-of-state tuition waivers for students majoring in Theatre Arts. Scholarships are awarded based on successful program auditions. 


Family Named and Memorial Scholarships:

These scholarships have specific criteria depending on the the guidelines set by the donor. There is one application to be considered for all of the Family Named and Memorial Scholarships. Please click on the link below to access that application.

To apply for Family Named and Memorial Scholarships click HERE.