Full Audition Schedule for 2024-2025
Please note that this info, and these dates/times are subject to change.
- Please prepare a 1 minute monologue of your choice. Not song lyrics or poetry.
- Please prepare a few measures of a song, even if it is something like "Happy Birthday", although please don't sing "Happy Birthday".
- There will be a group movement section of the audition (simple Viewpoints work). Please come prepared to move.
- Aug. 28th @6.30 Callbacks Aug. 29th @6.30
- For full audition requirements go HERE
- Self Tapes Due by Sept. 3 @6PM
- Required Dance Call Sat. Sept. 7th From 10-1
- Callbacks Sept. 7 From 2-6
- Audition Materials Availble HERE

Intimate Apparel:
Auditions will take place on Friday, January 24th, starting at 6pm in the Margaret Fort Trahern Laboratory Theatre. Please prepare a monologue no longer than 2 minutes, and be prepared to participate in an ice-breaker activity with the director, Alicia Haymer.