Current Student/Faculty Info

Upcoming Season Auditions:
Intimate Apparel:
Auditions will take place on Friday, January 24th starting at 6pm in the Margaret Fort Trahern Laboratory Theatre. Please prepare a
monologue no longer than 2 minutes, and be prepared to participate in an ice-breaker
activity with the director, Alicia Haymer.
Student Fringe Guidelines and Application -
Departmental Probation Rules
- BFA: Students must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA in the Major and 2.5 overall GPA to remain in good standing in the program. If grades do not improve the student may
be placed on probation* or released from the program. In addition, if a student is
not attending classes or falls below this in major GPA their inclusion in dept. productions
can be terminated.
- BA: Students should maintain a 2.5 overall GPA to be in good standing in the program. If grades do not improve the student may be
placed on probation*. In addition, if a student is not attending classes or falls
below this in major GPA their inclusion in dept. productions can be terminated.
- Grades less than “C” will not be counted in the major.
- Earning a grade less than “C” in any Major course may cause the student to be ineligible
for casting or other department production positions. If grades do not improve the
student may be placed on probation* or released from the program (BFA only).
- BA: Students pursuing the Theatre concentration may not also pursue the Theatre Minor.
Students pursuing the Dance concentration may not also pursue the Dance Minor.
- Academic misconduct - plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, facilitation or collusion will result in automatic
probation.* Please read Academic Misconduct Policy 3:005
- Classroom Misconduct - Disruptive behavior in the classroom may be defined, but is not limited to, behavior
that obstructs or disrupts the learning environment (e.g., repeated outbursts from
a student which disrupts the flow of instruction or prevents concentration on the
subject taught , failure to cooperate in maintaining classroom decorum, the presence
of non-enrolled visitors in the classroom (including but not limited to minors,) the
continued use of any electronic or other noise- or light-emitting device which disturbs
or inturrupts the concentration of others (e.g. disturbing noises from text messaging,
cell phones, personal digital assistant, laptop computers, games, etc.) will result
in automatic probation*. Please read 2019-2020 Student Handbook & Calendar.
*Probationary status will last for one semester or until grades improve and may cause
the student to be ineligible for casting, department sponsored travel, or other department
production positions.