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2024-2025 Student Season

APSU Theatre and Dance prides itself on being responsive to student requests and giving students every chance to hone their craft in performance. Several years ago, we were approached by students asking for more performance and production opportunities. In the past five years, we have responded. At APSU, students have the opportunity to take part in the Student Fringe, the New Play Festival, Student Choreography Showcase, and Capstone performances.

The Fringe events are two evenings (one each semester) that allow students to pitch, direct, and/or create their own work. This year we are thrilled to include a new musical work by our own Visiting Asst. Prof. of Musical Theatre Victoria Fowler!

The New Play Festival is a collaboration between the Playwriting and Directing classes that takes place every spring. The playwriting students write new ten minute plays for the Directing students to helm. The day before the festival, we spend the night in the theatre and run rehearsals and tech all night for the shows the next day.

The Student Choreography Showcase is an opportunity for students in the dept. of Theatre & Dance to present in progress work as a part of our main stage season. This work serves as a "dancers sketchbook" as choreographers prepare work for the spring dance concert. 

Capstone Projects are required of every graduating BA and BFA student. BFA's may elect to perform a "one person show" with the help of a small cast or direct a short piece. These shows are a great opportunity to get on stage and be seen by your fellow performers.

Spring 25 Student Season