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Student Wellness and Prevention

Making the most out of your time at Austin Peay, begins with being the best version of yourself. The Office of Student Wellness and Prevention supports student success by leading the journey toward optimal health and wellbeing. Those who are well-rounded in wellness achieve greater personal and academic success. 

Many of us think of wellness in terms of just physical and mental health. Here at Austin Peay, holistic wellness has nine interconnected dimensions. Daily activities that might not seem related to wellness can help us develop, thrive, and deal constructively with life challenges. It is natural at different times to focus on some dimensions of wellness over others. Balancing the nine dimensions of wellness in our own lives is a lifelong process. 

Dimensions of Wellness

The physically well person gets an adequate amount of sleep, eats a balanced and nutritious diet, engages in exercise for 150 minutes per week, attends regular medical check-ups, and practices safe sex.

Foy Fitness and Recreation
Boyd Health Services

The emotionally well person can identify, express, and manage the entire range of feelings and would consider seeking assistance to address areas of concern.

Student Counseling Services

The intellectually well person values lifelong learning and seeks to foster critical thinking, develop moral reasoning, expand worldviews, and engage in education for the pursuit of knowledge.

Peer Tutoring
Office of Student Disability Resource Center
Honors Program
Center for Academic Support & Enrichment

The occupationally well person engages in work to gain personal satisfaction and enrichment, consistent with values, goals, and lifestyle.

College Possible Success Coaches
Service-Learning and Community Engagement

The financially well person is fully aware of financial state and budgets, saves, and manages finances in order to achieve realistic goals.

Office of Student Financial Aid
VET Success
SOS Food Pantry

The environmentally well person recognizes the responsibility to preserve, protect, and improve the environment and appreciates the interconnectedness of nature and the individual.

Office of Campus Sustainability
Service-Learning and Community Engagement

The socially well person has a network of support based on interdependence, mutual trust, and respect, and has developed a sensitivity and awareness towards the feeling of others.

Office of Student Life and Engagement
Fraternity and Sorority Affairs
Residence Life and Housing

The creatively well person values and actively participates in a diverse range of arts and cultural experiences as a means to understand and appreciate the surrounding world.

Art + Design Exhibitions and Speaker
University Art Collection

The spiritually well person seeks harmony and balance by openly exploring the depth of human purpose, meaning, and connection through dialogue and self-reflection.

Campus Life & Community


APSU is committed to educating our campus community about Sexual Misconduct. There are several opportunities to learn more about our campus policy as well as learn how to report, who to report to, and what the University is required to do once we have knowledge that something occurred. These events are open to the entire campus community. 

If you are interested in Student Wellness and Prevention programming, please fill out the form below:

What is the name of your APSU department or organization?
Provide the name of the point of contact for this organization/event.
Provide the best email for the point of contact.
Would you like the program to be in-person or held via Zoom?
If you prefer in-person programming, how many people are you expecting to attend the event?
Please list 2-3 options of days and times that you would like to hold the program. This will help us schedule more efficiently.
Program Topic*
Which program topic are you looking for?




Student Wellness Committees

In the Fall of 2018, Austin Peay State University created four standing committees dedicated to improving the wellbeing of our student population. The Student Wellness Steering Committee is responsible for monitoring the work of committees devoted to student wellness and prevention.

The steering committee will nominate chairs and members of committees to Faculty Senate. The steering committee will ensure delivery of effective strategic planning, policy development, population assessment, internal and external communication, and community building in the interest of creating a culture of student wellness at Austin Peay State University.

The Health Promotion Committee will engage in population assessment, community building, education, policy development, strategic planning and reporting around key areas of student health.

The APSU Health Promotion Committee invites you to schedule a town hall meeting to discuss your health needs.  As a standing committee on campus, the Health Promotion Committee has a mission to help students achieve academic success and reach their fullest potential by promoting healthy habits and behaviors.  Complete this form to request a Town Hall meeting with your department/organization so we can find out how to better serve our students’ health and wellness needs!

What is the name of your APSU department or organization?
Provide the name of the point of contact for this organization/event.
Provide the best email address for the point of contact.
Provide the best phone number to reach the point of contact.
Would you like to hold the Town Hall in-person or via Zoom?
If you prefer in-person, how many people are you expecting to attend the Town Hall?
Please list 2-3 days and times Mon.-Fri. that you would like to hold the Town Hall. This will help us with scheduling the event more efficiently.

The AOD Committee will engage in population assessment, community building, education, policy development, strategic planning, and reporting around key areas of student health and wellbeing pertaining to alcohol, drug, and cannabis use. In the interest of strategically addressing these and other areas of student health and wellness.
The Mental Health and Wellness Committee will engage in population assessment, community building, education, policy development, strategic planning and reporting around key areas of student mental health, including anxiety, depression, stress, and suicide prevention/ postvention.