Faculty and Staff
Engineering Technology
Ravi Manimaran, Professor and Chair
Electrical Concentration
Phone: (931) 221-1499
Email: manimaranr@apsu.edu
Dr. Hossain Ahmed, Assistant Professor
Mechanical Concentration
Phone (931) 221-1474
Email: ahmedh@apsu.edu
Jody Alberd, Assistant Professor
Manufacturing Concentration
Phone: (931) 221-1427
Email: alberdj@apsu.edu
Matthew Anderson, Associate Professor
Mechatronics Concentration
Phone: (931) 221-1491
Email: andersonm@apsu.edu
Dr. John Blake, Professor
Mechanical Concentration
Phone: (931) 221-1476
Email: blakej@apsu.edu
Crystal Erdmenger
Academic Assistant to the Chair
Email: erdmengerc@apsu.edu
Dr. Md. Ali Haider, Assistant Professor
Electrical Concentration
Phone: (931) 221-1473
Email: haiderm@apsu.edu
Dr. Mahesh K. Pallikonda, Assistant Professor
Manufacturing Concentration
Phone: (931) 221-1484
Email: pallikondam@apsu.edu
Aviation Science
Charles Weigandt, Associate Professor & Director, Aviation Science
Phone: (931) 221-1494
Email: weigandtc@apsu.edu
James Gallagher, Assistant Chief Instructor
Phone: (931) 221-1408
Email: gallagherj@apsu.edu
Jerry Gray, Director of Aviation Maintenance & Flight Instructor
Phone: (931) 221-1406
Email: grayjl@apsu.edu
Joseph Kaman, Helicopter Mechanic & Instructor Pilot
Phone: (931) 221-1452
Email: kamanj@apsu.edu
Kristina Smith, Aviation Science Operations Coordinator
Phone: (931) 221-1404
Email: smithkm@apsu.edu
John Alden, Flight Instructor
Email: aldenj@apsu.edu
Erik Bartelt, Flight Instructor
Email: bartelte@apsu.edu
Ryan Erb, Flight Instructor
Email: erbr@apsu.edu
Scott Herrera, Flight Instructor
Email: herreras@apsu.edu
Sean Jones, Flight Instructor
Email: jonessd1@apsu.edu
Carl Manning, Flight Instructor
Email: manningc@apsu.edu