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Adjunct, Part-Time & Temporary Faculty Policies and Guidelines

The following policies and resources are specifically related to adjunct, part-time and temporary faculty at APSU. A comprehensive list of faculty resources can also be found on the Office of Academic Affairs webpage. 

Part-Time Instructor Search and Hiring Process

Part-Time Instructor Hiring Process Flow Chart

Adjunct, Part-Time & Temporary Faculty Review Process and Forms

Part-Time Instructor Review Process and Forms

Part-Time Instructor Professional Behaviors Form (evaluation to be completed by department chair and, if applicable, designated reviewer)

Part-Time Instructor On-Ground Observation Form (to be completed by observer and department chair)

Part-Time Instructor Online Observation Form (to be completed by observer and department chair)

Faculty Performance Evaluations (applies to temporary faculty)

Adjunct, Part-Time and Temporary Faculty Policies

For a full list of policies, please visit the APSU Policies and Procedures webpage. 

Policy 2:033 Adjunct Employees

Policy 2:048 Adjunct Pay, Extra Compensation and Compensation for Services rendered during Summer Sessions, Intersession, and Outside Active Contracts

Policy 2:053 Annual Faculty Evaluation Review (process used for temporary faculty review)