Online Advising
Greetings! If you are assigned to me as an advisee, in-office advising for spring, fall, and summer terms is done in the week or two before pre-registration begins. This is in line with other faculty advising on campus and you will receive an email to remind you to get an advising appointment every November and March. If you have, for whatever reason, missed the pre-registration advising period and school is still in session, we can usually find a time to make an appointment. Contact me via email for scheduling.
If you need advising and it is during academic breaks, you will need to do your advising online via email. I need you to do the following for online advising:
- Print the appropriate course planning guide from the four year plans section of the APSU website.
- Go to the online bulletin to check out your major requirements for the year you came to APSU.
- Check off the courses you have taken on the course planning guide, and decide what courses you would like to take in the upcoming semester.
- Check the online course descriptions of the classes you want to take to make sure you meet all prerequisites and corequisites.
- Email me with the following information:
- Your A#
- What you would like to do for your eventual career (doctor, biochemist, college professor, etc...)
- Whether you would like to take classes part-time or full-time
- The courses you want to take
- Any questions your have about the courses