Course Choice Counts!
The Department of Education is placing an important emphasis on federal financial aid rules that may impact the amount of aid you receive. This is referred to as Course Choice Counts. This may result in the reduction of your scholarships, loans and grants.
Specifically, for federal aid to pay for courses in your major, minor, or other degree requirements, it must be part of your program of study or be necessary to earn the total hours required for your degree. Taking courses not a part of your program of study could result in receiving less federal financial aid and potentially having to pay for courses out-of-pocket.
Academic departments determine program requirements and these will be entered in the degree evaluation program called Degree Works. Your Degree Works evaluation and AP OneStop page will include information about whether courses are approved for federal financial aid.
Important Reminders:
- Ensure your major and/or minor are officially declared in your student record. If not, you may do this in AP OneStop under the registration tab. It is recommended you also meet with your academic advisor to ensure you are enrolling for required courses in your declared program of study.
- Financial aid awards are intitially based on the assumption undergraduate students will enroll full-time and graduate students will enroll half-time in eligible courses for fall/spring. Your Cost of Attendance will be based on the eligible enrolled hours.
- Attendance grades of FA or FN or withdrawing from courses may negatively impact your eligibility for current and/or future federal aid.
- Meet with your academic advisor prior to each registration period to be sure the courses you are enrolling count in your declared program of study.
- Contact your academic advisor to discuss academic options if your financial aid is reduced due to enrollment in courses not eligible for your declared program of study.
- Check your AP OneStop regularly for messages and updates to your financial aid.