Student Academic Success Initiative
The Student Academic Success Initiative (SASI) is a program that was started in 2008 by former President Tim Hall to encourage student engagement within the academic community and to foster faculty-student interactions outside of the classroom. Each year, between 30-40 proposals totaling approximately $60,000 are funded by SASI.
Proposals are called for during the spring semester (February) by the Faculty Senate. Successful proposals are notified before the end of spring semester, and funds are available after July 1. All funds must be spent during the fiscal year (July 1 - June 30). A final summary of the funded project's results is due by the end of the academic year.
Frequently Asked Questions about SASI Funds & Spending
A SASI grant recipient should submit approvals for SASI projects to the dean of his/her department.
110001 40075 XXXXX 200
XXXXX represents the account code. This will change with the type of purchase. Please direct any questions about account numbers to your college dean’s administrative assistant.
If the estimated total amount of any purchase is less than $10,000, the purchase may be negotiated by the SASI grant recipient, who will work with his/her college dean’s administrative assistant to acquire any required prior approvals, place the order with the vendor, and obtain any necessary signatures for audit purposes. Prior approvals may be obtained via e-mail to the appropriate approving authority or his/her designee.
After receipt of goods, a payment authorization must be processed through Govs e-Shop for payment. Any invoices must be attached to the payment authorization.
NOTE: Austin Peay is tax exempt. We cannot pay or reimburse sales tax
Yes, a department purchasing card may be used, if available. Please contact the administrative assistant in your department. The purchases below are restricted:
- Sales tax
- Hotels and motels
- Banking services
- Cash
- Guest meals
- Entertainment expenses
- Fuel
- Using PayPal
- Maintenance or service agreements requiring a contract
Yes, please see the details below:
- Prizes and awards are typically gift cards or other tangible personal property bestowed on University students in recognition of outstanding achievement in academic performance or other performance-related activities (such as door prizes or research participation, etc.).
- Gifts, prizes, and awards are considered taxable income per the IRS and must be reported as income to any recipient. This includes, but is not limited to, gift certificates, gift cards, and other non-cash items.
- The SASI grant recipient or departmental administrative assistant should identify the recipients of these gifts, include their student numbers, and indicate the amount given as a gift to each individual (or the equivalent fair market value of each gift, if items other than gift cards are given). Use the “Record of Gifts, Prizes, and Awards for Items Valued at $5.00 or More” form.
An honorarium may be paid when the amount is $500 or less and the speaker is not an employee of any state agency or state university / community college / technical center. Please contact Kristi Moore in Accounts Payable at 7692 for more information.
Contact Pat Walton directly at 7573 for issues regarding Personal Services Agreements.
If the event is being held in the UC Ballroom or the Iris Room, the catering must be provided by Sodexo. To discuss menus and pricing, contact Catering Services at 7016.
For snacks and drinks that do not require catering:
- Coca-Cola Bottling Works of Tullahoma, Inc. has an exclusive contract on the Austin Peay campus. Only Coke products can be purchased with university funds. If purchasing food from a vendor that includes drinks with the meal, be sure that the drinks are Coke-Cola products. Here is a link to Coke Products:
- Food and drink items for an official university event may be purchased by payment authorization in Govs e-Shop.
INSTRUCTIONS: Complete and submit the online proposal form. Applications are currently being accepted until March 28, 2025. Note: We realize that your attendance numbers will be approximate.
- SASI Proposal Form Due: Friday, March 28, 2025 by 4:30 PM.
NOTE: If funded, you are required to submit a brief (3-5 sentences, 50-250 words, 1/2 page) report which includes the following information by April 15, 2026, to Terri Clark, SASI Chair, at This report must include the below information:
- A sentence or two describing the project
- The number of students and faculty that participated
Final Reporting Information for Completed SASI Projects
- 2024-2025 Final Report Form. The final SASI report for your 2024-2025 grant is due April 15, 2025.
Recently Funded Proposals