Transfer Student Orientation and Registration
Welcome to Austin Peay! We understand transferring from one institution to the next can be stressful. You and your family may have questions about next steps, APSU and college life in general. To assist with this and answer your questions, APSU offers an online module for Governors Orientation (GO).
GO sign-ups for students admitted for Fall or Summer 2025 are open!
Attendance/completion of Governors Orientation is required for students new to Austin Peay. During this event, we virtually introduce you to academic and support services, help you contact a representative to register for classes, and show you how to get involved on campus.
Online GO for transfer students with more than 12 credit hours is now open! Please be sure to complete GO in its entirety. After you submit the pre-registration form in the GO module, you will be contacted within 3-5 business days with information regarding advising and course registration. If you are a classified as a readmitting, special/transient, or additional bachelor's degree seeking student, please check your email regarding Online GO options.
Click here to start Online GO!
Feel free to contact the Office of Admissions at or 931-221-7661.
Have you already completed the orientation and need assistance from an advisor?
List of advisors by major