Red Mud Review Archives
The Previous issues are available here. If you wish to have the issue in PDF, please contact Susan Wallace.
Red Mud Review 2010 - 2011
Fiction - Katie McEntire's Rex
Fiction - Quincy Rhoads's The Acumen of Jeff
Fiction - Kyle Coleman's Daron and Miles
Fiction - Rose Pollard's Time to Wake Up
Fiction - Molli Swiatek's Sinatra Tipped Well
Fiction - William Woosley's Miss Estelle
Fiction - Laticia Ferguson's Toast
Fiction - Blake Haney's Old Things Burn Away
Nonfiction - Madelyn Fox's Vaso Vagal
Nonfiction - Ashley Wakefield's Nature of the Beast
Nonfiction - William Boakes' Called Back
Poetry - Quincy Rhoads' Died January
Poetry - Holly Lanham's He Whispered to me While I Slept
Poetry - Zachary Spears' Nashville to Afghanistan
Poetry - Lori McKellar's Jemez Hot Springs on a Winter Night
Poetry - Bethany Ann Cooper Stuart's Out of Context
Poetry - Raven Jackson's If it Blew Away
Poetry - Tyler Moore's Raccoon
Poetry - Rob Clouser's Twin Cypress
Poetry - Cidnie Sydney-Brewington's ERASURE
Poetry - Summer Croyell's I Wish, I Wish
Poetry - Brittany Kennedy's Love is...
Poetry - Jordan Bagwell's Hands
Art - Sherri Person's Happiness is an Open Field
Art - Sherri TIdwell's Happy Valley
Art - Becky Porter's The Eye of the Beholder
Art - Willie Bailey's Winter at Austin Peay and Sunday Morning
Art - Josh Evans' Dog Ballerina and It Will be OK
Art - Amanda Hamm's Towering Tree
Red Mud Review 2011 - 2012
Prose, Ficton - Geordan Goldtrap's The Smiling Man
Prose, Fiction - Derick GIll's His Majesty
Prose, Fiction - Mark Harrison's The Antihero of Little Babylon
Prose, Fiction - Andrew Robinson's Therapy on a Sunny Day
Prose, Fiction - William Woosley's Reunions
Personal Narrative - Summer Croyell's The Outline
Personal Narrative - Anne Herndon's John
Personal Narrative - Kalin Kilgore's Super Sunday
Personal Narrative - Jiyeong Kim's A Life in the Field
Personal Narrative - Michael Stoddard's Metal Oranges
Essay - L.J. Bowling's Maybe Clowns are Just Grumpy Old Men
Essay - Grant Brashear's Pretty Pink Flamingos
Essay - Quenton Brooks' Messianics in Israel
Poetry - Stephanie Bailey's I had a Dream
Poetry - L.J. Bowling's Somewhere Else
Poetry - Cidnie Sydney-Brewington's the coopers
Poetry - Quenton Brooks' Mishkan
Poetry - Cara Carroll's Hope for a Snow Frosted Heart
Poetry - Cara Carroll's Heartsblood
Poetry - Cara Carroll's The Sun and the Moon
Poetry - Tiffany Corner's A Poem for my Love
Poetry - Laura Galbreath's Catholicism
Poetry - Laura Galbreath's Mask
Poetry - Laura Galbreath's Suburbia
Poetry - Laura Galbreath's Treachery
Poetry - Joshua Haynes' A Drowning Solipist
Poetry - Johsua Haynes' Time
Poetry - Brian Kjelvik's Gone But Not Forgotten
Poetry - Brian Kjelvik's My Piece of Paradise
Poetry - Brain Kjelvik's When we are Apart
Poetry - Marian Casserly Murray's Dido's Dilemma
Poetry - Daniel Pitts' Dottle
Poetry - Daniel Pitts' The Razor
Poetry - Daniel Pitts' When My Exile is Ended
Poetry - Reagan Richter's Warrior
Poetry - Andrew Robinson's Fact
Poetry - Andrew Robinson's Response to Poet of the Shadows
Poetry - Conor Scruton's Frequency
Poetry - Conor Scruton's Kiln
Poetry - Devona Walker's Black Power
Poetry - Renee Williams' Dance of Arora
Poetry - Renee Williams' Song of Night
Poetry - Carol Lyn Wolf's Angel
Poetry - Carol Lyn Wolf's Buried Inside
Art - Cara Carroll's Untitled
Art - Gabrielle Bomar's Italy
Art - Carissa Breton's Untitled
Art - Tiffany Comer's Solemn Tragedy
Art - Cara Carroll's Human Conveyor
Art - Melanie Hilderbrandt's Magnolia
Red Mud Review 2012 - 2013
Poetry - Raven Jackson's An Offering
Poetry - Raven Jackson's On Sugarcane Harvesting
Poetry - Kate Glasgow's I Hide as Another Woman
Poetry - Steven Reznyk's Nights Yellow
Poetry - Chase Davenport's With Them in Ohio
Poetry - Clint Flippin's Incisors in the Junkyard
Poetry - Olivia Annise Ware's The Mattress
Poetry - Olivia Annise Ware's For Someone I Never Knew
Ficton - Joshua Alexander's In and Out
Fiction - Johnny Gall's Los Necios
Fiction - Sarah L.Key's About How Bad It Hurts
Fiction - Charity E. Winters' Good Christian Girl
Nonfiction - Lauren Jade Bowling's Faith in Machinery & Communication in the Dark
Art - Caitlyn Wilson's Overlapping Lines in Top Center
Art - Chase Davenport's Barn Light
Art - Haaken Magnuson's Seagulls
Art - Ansley Geno's Greenhouse
Art - Amy Hall's Strong Women
Red Mud Review 2013 - 2014
Poetry - Olivia A Ware's Darkroom
Poetry - Charity E Winters' A scene
Poetry - Conor Scruton's Goose
Poetry - Julie Upshur's On Drawing My Horse
Poetry - Etenia Mullins' Millenial Portrait: An Imitation of a Proletarian
Poetry - Etenia Mullins' The Last Run
Fiction - Chaston Donahoe's Cold Lung
Fiction - Julie Upshur's Sports Radio
Nonfiction - L.J. Bowling's A Familt Trait
Nonfiction - Brittany Biggs' Pose
Photography - Ray Dozier's Brewing Storm
Photography - Ray Dozier's Spitfire
Photography - Ashley Ligon's "Oh! Paris est la cite mere!
Red Mud Review 2014 - 2015

Poetry - Kayle Pearce's Combustibility
Poetry - Kayle Pearce's Salute to Police Office Doyle: Champion of Elephants
Poetry - C. Peaytt's In infancy, we learn that life
Poetry - Nan Pincus' at 39 Hz
Poetry - Etenia Mullins' Astronaut on a Lawn Mower
Poetry - Etenia Mullins' How We Forget to Look Up
Poetry - Conor Scruton's Gaping
Poetry - Lauren Moore's Plant Studies in the Arboretum
Poetry - Lauren Moore's Roses
Poetry - Elizabeth Upshur's Navy, Summer
Poetry - Elizabeth Upshur's Silk Road
Poetry - Chaseton Donahoe's Long Division
Fiction - Jeffrey Webb's Strays
Visual Art - Karla Tucker's Stardust
Visual Art - Karla Tucker's Who We Are
Visual Art - Karla Tucker's The Soul I Am
Visual Art - Kayla Noonan's And I pray that I man forget
Visual Art - Melissa Scharf's The Scream
Visual Art - Sophia Eisenbart's Deep Thought
Visual Art - Sophia Eisenbart's I Won't Listen
Visual Art - Taylor Slifko's Enchanted Bottle
Visual Art - Dale Allessi's Keeping
Visual Art - Lesli Dixon's The Portait of a Lady
Nonfiction - Ercika Suhl's Exhalations
Nonfiction - Robyn Weaver's There is a Balm in Gilead
Nonfiction - Nathaniel Skaggs' Baptizing a Rifle
Nonfiction - See Phunke's The Long Waltz Home
Nonfiction - Wendy Dinwiddie's Close to Being Everything
Red Mud Review2016-2017

This issue's content is available below.
Editors' Note and Table of Contents
Poetry - Bridget Yates "Pear Tree" and "Some Afternoon in Smalltown, USA"
Poetry - Chloe Hooks "Background Noise" and "Dirty Picket Fence"
Poetry - Adrian Sanders "Peach"
Poetry - Alina Stefanescu "Bankhead at Midnight"
Poetry - Jeanna Padan "Of Earth"
Poetry - Abby Lewis "Snakes and Stones"
Poetry - Peter Hogan "Dandelion"
Poetry - Talia Green "Orange Crayon" and "From a Growing Garden in April"
Non-Fiction - Kelsey Adams "Ghost in the Walls"
Fiction - Nicole Sadek "The Holy City"