Tuition Assistance
Interested in furthering your education?
TECTA can help!
Use the Links below to:
- Learn how TECTA can help further your education
- Find out how to qualify for tuition assistance through TECTA
- Register for a Tuition Assistance Meeting
- Course Requirements
- Course Schedules by Semester
- Find Voucher Day deadlines
- Download a Voucher Packet
How can TECTA help further your education?
Below are just a few of the things we can do to help you in your educational journey.
- Provide technical assistance to get you started. This includes deciding your course of study based on our TECTA career lattice, and helping you to apply for admissions.
- We provide financial assistance to cover the cost of your tuition.
- Loan you textbooks for many of your courses.
- Assist you in navigating the online course process and learning to use campus resources.
- Loan you resource books, as needed, to complete course assignments.
- Upon appointment, you are able to use our offices to complete course assignments. This includes a quiet work space, computer access, and printer/copier access.
How to qualify for TECTA tuition assistance:
- You must be working at a licensed childcare program in the state of Tennessee.
- You must have successfully completed a TECTA Orientation This is a free training that also provides 30 DHS-approved training hours.
- Attend a short tuition assistance meeting to learn about the Child Development Associate (CDA) credential and the tuition assistance process.
Tuition Assistance Meetings
Please register in advance using the registration links below:
If you are interested in taking courses at Nashville State or Columbia State and have never taken TECTA courses before, please register for the tuition assistance meeting that is convenient for you.
Tuition Assistance meeting options:
To begin Coursework Summer 2025 you will need to attend one of the following:
- March 18 (Tuesday) - 6-7:30PM - ZOOM
- April 3rd (Thursday), 6-7PM In-person at APSU
- April 28th (Monday), 6-7PM In-person at APSU
To begin coursework in EITHER Summer OR Fall 2025 you can choose from a meeting above or one of the following:
- June 10 (Tuesday)- 6-7:30PM - ZOOM
- May 31 (Saturday)- 9-10AM In-person at APSU
- June 28 (Saturday)- 1-2PM In-person at Columbia State
If you have an associates degree in early childhood education and wish to attend APSU in the Fall of 2025, please contact us no later than May 1, 2025.
First Semester CDA:
ECED 2310: Safe, Healthy Learning Environments
ECED 2340: Family Dynamics & Community Involvement
2nd Semester CDA (Includes Renewal Course):
ECED 1310: Introduction to Early Childhood Education
ECED 2315: Early Childhood Curriculum
In addition to the CDA courses, the Technical Certificate requires the following:
ECED 2335: Initial Practicum
ECED 2380: Language & Literacy in Early Childhood Education
ECED 2385: Math & Science in Early Childhood Education
Elective (Choose ONE):
ECED 2312: Administration of Early Childhood Programs
ECED 2330: Infant & Toddler Care
ECED 2390: Creative Development
Please contact your college advisor or the TECTA office if you are unsure of which courses to take for degree programs beyond CDA & Technical Certificates.
Course Schedule
*Will update at schedules are released.
The following are the reccomended sections for required courses. Please contact the TECTA office if you would like to register for a section not listed below.
1st semester CDA Coursework
Course #- Section # | Course Name | Meeting Times | Meeting Location | CRN # for Registration | |||||
ECED 2310 - W01 | Safe, Healthy Learning Environment | Web-Based | D2L | 15108 | |||||
ECED 2340-W01 | Family Dynamics & Community Involvement | Web-Based | D2L | 19305 | |||||
2nd Semester CDA Coursework
Course #- Section # | Course Name | Meeting Times | Meeting Location | CRN # for Registration | |||||
1310-W01 | Intro to Early Childhood Education | Web-Based | D2L | 15107 | |||||
2315 LV1 | Early Childhood Curriculum | Virtual Flex Meets Wednesdays 6:30-8PM | Clarksville Campus CL 137 | 19101 | |||||
Technical Coursework
Course #- Section # | Course Name | Meeting Times | Meeting Location | CRN # for Registration | |||||
2335-V40 | Initial Practicum | 6PM-9PM Mondays | Virtual - Zoom | 18244 | |||||
2380-W01 | Language & Literacy in ECE | Web-Based | D2L | 19854 | |||||
2385-LV1 | Math & Science in ECE | Mondays 6:30-8PM | Clarksville Campus, Room 137 | 19711 | |||||
The following are the reccomended sections for required courses. Please contact the TECTA office if you would like to register for a section not listed below.
1st Semester CDA Courses
Course #- Section # | Course Name | Meeting Times | Meeting Location | CRN # for Registration | ||||
2310 - C91 | Safe, Healthy Learning Environment | Live Stream Mondays, 6-9PM | Video Conference from Home | 12293 | ||||
2340-F90 | Family Dynamics & Community Involvement | Web-Based | Online Campus | 11660 | ||||
2nd Semester CDA Coursework
Course #- Section # | Course Name | Meeting Times | Meeting Location | CRN # for Registration | |||||
2315-C90 | Early Childhood Curriculum | Live Stream, Tuesdays 6-9PM | Video Conference from home | 12294 | |||||
Voucher Information
Incomplete packets cannot be accepted. If you need assistance with your packet, please contact our office prior to the voucher day deadline - we are here to help!
Summer 2025 Semester
- New students must attend a Tuition Assistance meeting to be eligible for funding.
- APSU Students: Please contact the TECTA office by August 1st to discuss funding options.
- NSCC Students, please return your voucher packets to the TECTA at APSU office in person on one of the following dates:
- Monday, May 19th from 12PM - 7PM
- Tuesday, May 20th from 8AM - 4PM
* !!!NOTE our office has MOVED to the Claxton Building, Room 300. Please email in advance for a parking pass if you will arrive prior to 4:30PM.
- COSCC students, please email or fax your packet to our office no later than 5PM on Friday, December 6th.
Incomplete packets cannot be accepted. If you need assistance with your packet, please contact our office prior to the voucher day deadline - we are here to help!
Voucher Packets
Use the links below to access the voucher packet for your college. Be sure to choose the packet for the college you are attending:
APSU students only, please be sure you have been advised by APSU TECTA staff prior to submitting your vouchers.