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Author's Guide & Manuscript Formatting

The JBL publishes original empirical, conceptual, and case study manuscripts. All manuscripts submitted for publication shall not be under review with another publisher while being considered by the JBL. Submissions must be saved as " .doc " file and sent electronically via e-mail to the editor at with the subject JBL Manuscript Submission.

Only MS Word documents will be accepted for review. Do not send pdf files. Manuscripts must be between 4000 and a maximum of 8000 words including an abstract (150-200 words approx.), keywords, appendices, references, figures and tables. Tables must be placed where you want them to appear in the manuscript. Papers are to be prepared in English and edited to avoid grammatical and typographical errors. The manuscript must be in APA format single-spaced with 1 inch (2.54 cm) margins around, Times New Roman 10-point font with the exception of the title, which must be 14 point and bold. The paper should begin with title, author's information (10-point font), and the word "abstract" (10-point font, bold and capitalized) each of which must be centered. The body of the paper must be justified alignment.

The first page of the manuscript is a separate Title Page with author names and affiliations. The Manuscript title appears on the first line or lines and then author's information with each author and author’s affiliation on one line. The author's information line should contain first name, last name and institutional affiliation. No other identifying information about the author(s) should appear in the manuscript except on the Title Page.

The second page of the manuscript will begin with the Abstract followed by Key Words (5-8) and then the body of the manuscript.. Leave one blank line between the word abstract and the abstract itself. Leave two blank lines between key words and the body of the manuscript. There must be a blank line between paragraphs with the first line each paragraph indented (0.5 inches). Please do not use columns. References need to be consistent and in APA format. Every sub-heading should be bold and capitalized.

The journal uses a double-blind peer review process. Submissions must include a separate page for the paper's title, author(s) name(s), and e-mail address of the contact person for the paper.

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