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Dr. Andrew Kostakis

Dr. Andrew Kostakis
  • Department: Languages & Literature

  • Title/Position: Assistant Professor of Linguistics

  • Courses Taught: Linguistics, German, and World Literature

  • Years at APSU: 5

What Interested you in serving on the CAFE Advisory Board?

I would like to participate in shaping the future of CAFE.  I am interested to learn about faculty wants and needs.  And, I am excited to help strategize how we use our resources to support professors across the campus and to foster an engaged and satisfied community of teachers and scholars.

What is your favorite thing about APSU?

I value the connections I have made across campus that give me a sense of community.

Favorite hobby/favorite movie?

In recent years, my favorite hobby has been tryiing to create a shade perennial garden that is deer resistant and has year-round interest.  However, it mostly seems like the deer visting my home are just enjoying the ever-changing menu.