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Joseph R. Schiller

Professor EmeritusJoseph Schiller

email: schillerj@apsu.edu


Ph.D. University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Zoology), 1986
B.S. Colorado State University (Zoology), 1978


Human Anatomy and Physiology

Research Interests

Aquatic Ecology, Aquatic Macroinvertebrates

Selected Publications

Ives, T.T. and J.R. Schiller. 2004. Comparative efficiency of glueboard, pitfall and funnel traps in capturing the five-lined skink, Eumeces fasciatus. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society. 39(3):48-49.

Ives, T.T. and J.R. Schiller. 2004. Effects of tail autotomy on dominance status in the common five-lined skink, Eumeces fasciatus. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society. 39(6):105-107.

Ives, T.T. and J.R. Schiller. 2004. Pheromone detection of conspecifics by the five-lined skink, Eumeces fasciatus. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science. 79(3):65-66.

Schiller, J. R., P. Zedler, and C. Black. 2000. Density dependent insect visits, seed set, and phenology of the endangered vernal pool plant-Pogogyne abramsii (Lamiaceae), in natural compared to created vernal pools. Wetlands 20:386-396.

Schiller, J. R. and S. W. Hamilton. 2000. Comparison of rapid bioassessment of seven streams in West Sandy Creek Watershed, Henry Co., Tennessee under different sampling regimens. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 75:57-65.