Planning For Success
A graduate degree allows upward mobility within an existing career or the chance to grow your career opportunities. Prepare for your future to make the most of your graduate degree!
- Plan ahead!
- Select a graduate degree for the career you want to have
- Use tools such as What Can I Do With This Major to explore jobs for your degree program
- Explore job skills and qualifications desired by the your field
- Talk to the Graduate Coordinator for your program to learn about curriculum and extracurricular opportunities to enhance your graduate studies
Explore institution and private scholarships
- Austin Peay offers Graduate Assistantships.
- Private scholarships through websites such as:
Speak with the Office of Financial Aid
Austin Peay’s Office of Financial Aid can help navigate the processes of paying for graduate school.
- View the tuition and fees information provided by the Bursar's Office to estimate tuition requirements on a per semester basis
- Information on federal student aid, including but not limited to student loans, can be found on the Federal Student Aid site.
Financial Literacy
GradSense is a unique online education platform that provides students with important financial information about the value of pursuing an advanced degree. GradSense provides resources and information to help graduate and undergraduate students make wise financial decisions that support their long term educational goals. GradSense was created by the Enhancing Student Financial Education project, a collaboration of the Council of Graduate Schools and TIAA-CREF using data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, the National Science Foundation ans the National Center for Education Statistics. Along with median debt and income data, the GradSense website also provides students with loan repayment advice, spending tips, and career guidance. |