Please visit You may either click on the "Search Postings" link located under the navigation
bar to the left or click on the "Austin Peay State University" box located towards
the bottom of the webpage.
To view the job details of a position, click on the "View Details" link below the
job title.
After carefully reading the job details and determining if you are qualified, click
the "Apply to this job" link. If you are a new user, you will be directed to create a new account. You may do so by clicking the "create
a new account now" link. You will receive an automated email confirming your registration.
Your application is not complete until you receive a confirmation number.
You will be asked to provide personal information such as your name, address, phone
number, etc. You will also be asked to provide information about your education and
current or previous employment, as well as contact information regarding your references.
You will be able to upload documents such a cover letter, resume/curriculum vitae,
references list or reference letters, etc. Please note that uploading just a resume/curriculum
vitae does not substitute for completing your online application. Most clerical positions will
require a microsoft word/excel assessment. It is highly recommended that you gather
all of your application information before starting the application process
If you are a returning user and already have an application on file, simply login using your username and password.
You will be able to apply to new jobs without re-entering your application information.
However, it is highly recommended that you edit your application information, if applicable, before applying. You will not be allowed to change your application information after you have applied for a job.
You may only edit your application when applying for a new position. After clicking
on "apply for this job," you will be able to edit your application.
As you proceed through the online application, you will be able to save your information
every time you move from one screen to the next. Be sure to click "Save Changes"
or "Next" to store any changes to your application as you progress. When you are
ready to continue with your application, login and click the "Complete" link under
the "Status" column. Your application is not complete until you receive a confirmation number.
Applications for clerical and support staff positions must be submitted online on
or before the closing date as indicated in the job details. Professional, administrative
and faculty positions are open until filled. Once the closing date for a job has
passed and/ore the posting is removed, you will not be able to apply. Please continue
to visit for new jobs as they become available.
Once you submit your application, the Offices of Human Resources and Equal Opportunity
will review your application to determine whether or not you meet the minimum qualifications
as specified in the job details.
The time varies depending on the department that is conducting the hiring. If selected for an interview, you will be contacted to make the necessary arrangements
for an appointment.
You will not be able to change your application information after you have applied for a job. Any changes to your application information will only
affect your application to future job postings. If you have a change, you may contact
the Office of Human Resources. Do not create a new online application; you are only
allowed to apply once to a posting.
Upon logging into your account, you will be able to check the status of your application.
Log into the system, click on your applications, and status of your position will
be listed. Candidates that are not selected for the position will receive an email
to inform them of the decision. If the position is closed, candidates will receive
e-mail notification that the position has been filled.
You may remove your application from consideration for a job at any time. Upon logging
into your account, click the "Withdraw Application" link located under the "Status"
column of your application status. However, once you withdraw your application, you
will not be able to apply for the same position again.
At the login screen, click the "Forgot your username or password" link. You will
be required to enter your username and the answer to your secret password question
(case-sensitive) in order to retrieve your password. If you forgot your username,
you will be required to provide your email address associated with your account.
Contact the Office of Human Resources at 221-7177 for a password reset.
Please complete this form within 60 days of the birth and return it to the Office of Human Resources along
with a copy of the mother’s copy of the birth certificate.
You may change this contribution by accessing your account at or by calling RetireReadyTN at 1-800-922-7772.
You may contact RetireReadyTN at 1-800-922-7772 to request an estimate of your retirement
benefit. They will ask for your SSN, your projected date of retirement, and your
remaining sick leave balance.
The annual enrollment period for calendar year 2021 will be October 1-16, 2020. Please
visit the state's website for updates and changes that can be made during open enrollment.
The rules on cancelling your insurance plan are available at If one of the reasons indicated does not apply, the cancellation may be requested
during the Annual Enrollment Transfer Period. To change your dental insurance outside
of the annual open enrollment period, you must have a qualifying event or family status
change during the year, which would include birth, marriage, divorce and new employment.
Please follow this link to the enrollment form for what qualifies as a special qualifying event.
The beneficiary designation forms are below. Please complete the forms for benefits
in which you are enrolled. If you are enrolled in the ORP retirement option, please
update your beneficiary at the website for the company to which your contributions
are going—TIAA, VOYA or VALIC; links below. If you have questions regarding the forms
that apply to you, review your benefits through Employee Self-Service at OneStop or
contact the Office of Human Resources at 7180 or 7013.