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Math & Stats Department News

  • APSU faculty and students filled the program at the 2025 TMTA Conference in February hosted at UT-Martin. Faculty presenters included Dr. Audrey Bullock on Math Through Play: Integrating Games for Meaningful Practice, Dr. Ben Ntatin on Mathematical Beliefs and Attitudes: Using Pictures, and Ellen Smyth on Flipped Finally Flopped & Up Floated a Better Model
    Our APSU Student/Alumni who presented were Christopher Tillett - Impact of Climate on Sugar Cane Exports, Alexandra Vezeau – Continuous Improvement Classroom, and India Foster - Order of Operations: Essential Classroom Management for New Math Teachers
  • Statistics major Christine Jator presented at the 2025 Joint Mathematics Meetings in Seattle in January. Her research talk was on Clustering Analysis of Obesity and Nutritional Variations Across the U.S.
    Christine Jator at JMM
  • Dr. Audrey Bullock received the 2024 Tenured Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching.  Her excellence not only inside the classroom, but also through her work in curriculum development, pedagogical research, and mentorship of future educators earned Dr. Bullock this terrific honor!
    Audrey Teaching Award
  • In August Professor Sumen Sen presented at the Joint Statistical Meeting in Portland, Oregon.  His research talk was on "Doubly-Inflated Poisson INGARCH Models for Count Time Series."
    Sumen Sen
  • Multiple faculty and one student presented at the national conference MathFest in Indianapolis in August.  Benjamin Bruyns, a math and computer science double major, presented a poster on his research with Dr. Brad Fox on evaluating the fairness of Borda count voting methods.  Dr. Kelly Buch gave a pedagogy presentation on activities developed to introduce new notation in her Precalculus classes, and Dr. Fox presented graph labeling research involving zero-divisor graphs.
    Ben Bruyns Poster
    Dr. Buch Presentation
    Dr. Fox Presentation
  • Professor Brad Fox presented in June at the 12th International Workshop on Graph Labeling, which was hosted at AGH University in Krakow, Poland.  His presentation was on the topic of Prime Labelings of Zero-Divisor Graphs.
    IWOGL Presenters
    Fox Presentation
  • Mathematical Finance graduate student Olayinka Ugwu and Professor Ramanjit Sahi presented in May at the online MIRDEC International Academic Conference on Economics, Business and Contemporary Discussions in Social Science, hosted in Lisbon, Portugal.  Their paper on "Predicting Oil Prices in the Presence of Geopolitical Factors" was subsequently published in the Conference Proceedings.
  • Congratulations to the receipients of our 2024 Department of Mathematics and Statistics Awards!  
         - Outstanding Senior Award: Kemeliz Fuentes
         - Outstanding Sophomore/Junior Award: Kyra Lander
         - Nell Rayburn High Impact Practice Award: Christine Jator
         - Graduate Student Award in Mathematical Finance: Monsuru Durojaiye and Anthony Thai
         - Graduate Student Award in Predictive Analytics: Megan Oelgoetz and Gabrielle Burnett 

         - Graduate Student Award in Mathematics Instruction: Alice Guardo and Leah Winter
    Award Recipients
  • Five students and one faculty member were inducted this spring into our chapter of the Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honor Society.  Congratulations to Jason Frederick, Christine Jator, Jackson Lewis, Megan Oelgoetz, Joseph Williams, and Dr. Mary Akinyemi for this well-deserved honor!
    Pi Mu Epsilon Inductees
  • Four of our mathematics students presented posters at the APSU Student Research Symposium in early April.  Great work by Briauna Bonney and Sage Patten (pictured below) on Odd Graceful Labelings with Dr. Fox, Samuel Whitaker on Analysis of Heat Waves in Phoenix, and Quinn Schneider on Oil Production and Price in the US with Dr. Sahi!
    Research Poster
  • Two of our students presented at the TAS Conference in April. Jackson Lewis earned 2nd place in the Math and CS session with “Minimal Surfaces: An Introduction to Differential Geometry," and William Keener's "Differential Geometry from a Calculus Perspective" earned 4th place.
  • A terrific group of 3 faculty and 12 students attended the MAA Southeast Section Conference at UT-Knoxville in March. Four of the students - William Keener, Ben Bruyns, Jackson Lewis, and Jazz Kreuser - competed in the Math Jeopardy competition, four students presented in the student or contributed paper sessions - Samuel Whitaker, Olayinka Ugwu, Megan Oelgoetz, and Monsuru Durojaiye, another student - Jackson Lewis - presented in the student poster session, and three of our Math professors presented on their research or innovative teaching methods - Drs. Nicholas Kirby, Kelly Buch, and Brad Fox.
    Group Photo
  • The (MT)^2 Conference (Middle Tn Math Teachers) was hosted at APSU in February and featured faculty presenters Dr.'s Darrough, Yantz, Ntatin, Kirby, Vogel, Dalton, and a keynote lecture by Dr. Fox. Student presenters included Shelby Hicks, Cecily Gaither, Cory Yeomans, Main Im, Hannah Olson, Peyton Pope, and Lakisha Williams from our MAED program. Dual Enrollment and Middle College students Ari Vaknin, Aiden Funches, Grace Holt, and Allison Crawford also presented.
  • Two of our Math & Stats students presented research at the Posters at the Capitol event February where their work was showcased to the Governor and state legislators. Autumn Schneider investigated "Oil Production and Price in the U.S.", and Samuel Whitaker conducted an "Analysis of Heat Waves in Phoenix," both of which were mentored by Dr. Sahi.
Schneider and Whitaker
  • Five of our students - two undergraduate Statistics majors and three graduate students from our Predictive Analytics and Mathematics Finance programs - earned Student Research Support Grants.  Congratulations to these recipients!
    • Christine Jator - with Dr. Sumen Sen in 2024 on "Food Insecurities in a Blooming Rural Town: A Statistical Analysis"
    • Samuel Whitaker - with Dr. Ramanjit Sahi in 2024 on a "Study of Heat Waves in Phoenix"
    • Megan Oelgoetz - with Dr. Ramanjit Sahi in 2024 on a "Time Series Model to Predict Gastrointestinal Illnesses in Tennessee"
    • Olayinka Ugwu - with Dr. Ramanjit Sahi in 2024 on a "Study of U.S. Crude Oil Prices and Geopolitical Factors"
    • Monsuru Durojaiye - with Dr. Ramanjit Sahi in 2024 on "Quantifying Credit Risk in the Lending Industry"
  • Dr. Kelly Buch presented in multiple sessions at the 2024 Joint Mathematics Meetings earlier this month in San Francisco. She gave a talk on her mathematical ecology research and a presentation on teaching math modeling, while also serving on a panel discussing standards-based grading.

    Kelly Buch JMM 2024
  • Professor Brad Fox received one of APSU's Faculty Research & Scholarly Activity grants. He'll be working with a student researcher using ranked choice election data to determine the most mathematically fair voting method.
  • One undergraduate math major - Jackson Lewis - and four mathematics graduate students - Olayinka Ugwu, Paul Madu, Olalekan Durojaye, and Idris Ajibade - presented research at the 2023 Tennessee Academy of Sciences Conference in Memphis.  Jackson's talk "On the application of logistic regression to prime numbers" earned the top prize in the Math & Computer Science section.  
    Jackson TAS
    TAS Speakers
  • Three undergraduates and six grad students from our Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance programs attended the Midwest Actuarial Science Conference, where they learned about the actuarial profession, participated in a case study, and networked with employers and other students.  Dr.'s Amusan and Yantz went with students (pictured from left to right) Saheed Akintayo, Megan O’Hara, Busayo Yusuf, Jared Shanks, Chris Nikrant, Babatunde Salaudeen, Uduak Umeng, Michael Langat, and Chris Tillett.
    Actuarial Science Conference
  • Three of our Math Education faculty, Dr. Audrey Bullock, Dr. Jennifer Yantz, and Dr. MaryLu Dalton, along with Education professor Dr. Joanne Philhower, presented in Washington, D.C. in October at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting.  Professors Yantz and Dalton presentation was titled "Where's the Math? Finding Math Right under Our Noses in Our Neighborhood," and Dr. Bullock's talk was on "Making Measurement Formulas Meaningful."
    NCTM Conference
  • Christine Jator, a third-year Statistics major, presented research from her data science summer REU at the Southern Demographic Association Conference in San Antonio.  Her presentation was on a "Financial Analysis of Evictions in Dallas County." 
    Christine Jator Conference

Vegas Conference

Kara PME

Zach Symposium

Jackie Jill3Jackie Jill 1

Math Jeopardy 2019

MTMT 2019Audrey MTMT


LaQuinton Latoria