Austin Peay State University Campus Police

Our Mission:
The Mission of Austin Peay State University Police Department is to efficiently provide quality police and customer service to our students, faculty/staff, and visitors by promoting a safe environment through police and community partnership. We pride ourselves by working together with the University community to enhance a peaceful quality of life where people can live, visit and work safety without fear, with an emphasis on mutual trust, integrity, fairness, and professionalism.
The Austin Peay State University Police Department will exist to preserve liberty, enhance the safety of our community and defend human dignity. We will be an organization in which each officer embraces integrity as the foundation in which our University/Community trust is built.
Our communication with the public will be direct, open, and respectful. We will value our differences, recognizing that there is strength in both. Our goal is excellence and we will not accept anything less.
- Loyalty: Loyalty is a commitment to this department, to Austin Peay State University, and to the community at large. We do not stand idly by as anyone attempts to harm any of the above nor do we act in opposition to the mission or goals of Austin Peay State University Police Department.
- Duty: We have a moral and legal obligation to accept our responsibility to provide education that enables members of the community to protect themselves and help the department protect the larger community. Our ability to improve the level of service we provide is directly proportional to the level of education and training provided to our personnel. We underscore the value of education by providing an organizational climate that encourages learning opportunities for our employees and the citizens we serve.
- Respect: We will hold all people of our university/community worthy of high regard; we will demonstrate respect for human dignity and respect the rights and privacy of all students, visitors and faculty/staff members of Austin Peay State University.
- Selfless Service: We will provide quality, professional police service to all citizens, students, visitors and faculty/staff members of the Austin Peay State University. Employees will be expected to provide excellent customer service and work diligently to respond to the needs of the community and render assistance to those in need.
- Honor: Is a result of honest behavior between the Austin Peay State University Police Department and the university/community.
- Integrity: The community can trust the members of the department to be honest and of high moral character and for all its personnel to protest its integrity. We are guided by a code of moral values and incorruptibility
- Personal Courage: We recognize that responding to the University Communities needs is the department’s primary reason for existence. Therefore, we place the safety of others before our own and except our moral responsibility to take action against injustice and wrongdoing.