Daily Crime Log Procedure
All Daily Crime Report entries will be open to public inspection within two business days of the initial report being made to Austin Peay Police Department (APSU). The online version will be updated daily within business hours. A daily copy will be available for view or can be printed out for you at the Shasteen Building.
Entries made into the Daily Crime Log will contain the following:
- Incident Number- APSU incident number
- Incident Date- The date the incident occurred
- Incident Time- The time the incident occurred
- Reported- The date the incident was reported.
- Offense Description- The classification of the offense that was reported
- Location- The location where the incident occurred.
- Disposition- The current status of the reported incident.
To see the crime log, please click Daily Crime Log 03/10/2025
Campus Crime Statistics
Statistics for all campus crimes will be published on an annual basis in the time frames required by federal and/or state law. To see the Campus Crime statistics, please click here.