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     •     Midwest Political Science Association
     •     The American Political Science Association

Discussion Lists
     •     Public Policy Network PUBPOL-L Electronic Mail Forum

Government Sites
     •     State & Local Government
     •     FedWorld Information Network

Employment and Internship Opportunities
     •     Federal job opportunities
     •     Public job opportunities

     •     The American Review of Public Administration

National Government of the U.S.
     •     U.S. House of Representatives
     •     U.S. Senate
     •     White House
     •     The Library of Congress

Public Law Resources
     •     Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School
     •     The Supreme Court of the United States
     •     U.S. Supreme Court decisions
     •     The United States Supreme Court Multimedia Database

Other Sites of Interest
     •    Archives Library Information Center (ALIC)
     •     @BRINT Research Initiative  "Business Research in Information and Technology"
     •     The Institute for the Study of Applied and Professional Ethics at Dartmouth College
     •     Chatelaine Press
     •     Institute for Electronic Government

American Government & Politics Resources: Federal, State & Local

    Journals and Publications

  International Governments & Politics

Political Thought Resources

    Research Resources

    Political Thought Resources