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Executive Council


The members of the Executive Council serve as the leaders of APSU's Student Government Association.  During the academic year, the officers are required to maintain five office hours in MUC Room 213 and have weekly meetings.  All Student Government Association programming, meeting planning, and initiatives are heavily dependent upon the work of the executive officers. The President, Vice President, and Executive Secretary are elected by the Student body, whereas the Chief Justice and Chief Financial Officer is chosen by a committee comprised of members of all three branches. These offices are renewed every Spring Semester for the next academic year. Officers are required to maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA and must have served for at least one year as a SGA representative. The Executive Council is committed to be the positive voice of the students at Austin Peay State University. Along with this office, all the members generally hold other distinct positions within different organizations on campus. SGA is advised by Dr. Lindsey Gilmore.

If you have any questions about the Executive Council, please email the President at ddonaldson3@my.apsu.edu


David Donaldson
David Donaldson Executive Council


Madison Mosley
Madison Mosley Executive Council
Vice President
Tyler Rose
Tyler Rose Executive Council
Executive Secretary
Rylie Morris
Rylie Morris Executive Council
Chief Justice
Aviana Parker
Aviana Parker Executive Council
Chief Financial Officer