Student Tribunal
Hello Govs!
As Chief Justice of the Student Government Association, I have primary oversight of the Tribunal of Student Government here at Austin Peay. The Tribunal is regarded as the Austin Peay campus' highest student court.
Facts about the Student Tribunal
- It has the authority to hear student traffic appeals
- It interprets the SGA Constitution, By-Laws, and the Electoral Act.
- Tribunal justices are selected through an interview process. They must show strong ethical standards and always adhere to a code of strict confidentiality.
- Tribunal justices may not sponsor any legislation unless they have a Senator as a co-sponsor.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to stop by the Student Government Association office in MUC 213, or e-mail me at I am honored and excited to be working with/for the students of this campus, and I look forward to the upcoming year!
Chief Justice Morris