Academic Specialist
"I have just started the program. I feel that everybody has been very generous and supportive. I feel very comfortable with asking questions and getting help. I feel that I am really part of the group."-SSS participant commenting on program evaluation
Students participating in the TRIO SSS program will have the opportunity to meet with their Academic Specialist on a regular basis. The TRIO SSS staff work closely with departmental advisers, Financial Aid counselors, Career Success Center, Counseling and Testing staff, and the Office of Student Disability Resource Center to ensure TRIO students understand the options and requirements of APSU. Participants will receive valuable information through individualized learning plans, degree audits, interest inventories, and career/major exploration.
Our coaching goal is to enhance the academic and personal success of SSS participants. The goals of graduating SSS participants are job placement at the same or higher rate than the general Austin Peay student, and/or admission to a graduate/professional school, when appropriate.
The SSS program staff facilitates interaction between participants and Career Success Center and graduate programs to ensure that information and opportunities are available to participants.